
The Impact Of Gender On Organizational Work Unit Teams

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The Impacts of Gender on Organizational Work Unit Teams
Nada Nafissa
Morgan State University

The influence of women in society has undergone a paradigm shift in America over the last century. Indeed, women have gone from being solely relegated to the roles of mother and housewife to legislators and CEOs, from not having the basic right to vote to being elected officials, Supreme Court Justices and frontrunners for the office of President of the United States. But while the power of women in society has grown exponentially during this time, American society remains largely bureaucratic and male-dominated in many ways. Gender differences remain part of the American landscape, and throughout the world. While America can be viewed as setting the bar for women’s rights on a global scale, gender inequity remains part of the fabric of our society. This multi-disciplinary study will concentrate on the identification of the impacts of gender on organizations and organizational work unit teams, an ever-increasingly important dimension in organizations. It is expected that findings will include increased productivity of heterogeneous teams across disciplines.
Keywords: gender, diversity, performance, efficiency, teams, organization
Among the six elements or principles of a bureaucracy, Max Weber noted that formal selection of individuals, whereby people are selected for employment based upon technical qualification alone, was a component thereof (Weber, 1922). Accordingly, only

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