For numerous years, scientist have been striving to successfully clone and artificially grow animals by extracting DNA or fertilising an egg with the animal’s sperm, growing it in a laboratory. As well as there were many unsuccessful attempts, there has also been successful results but not quite successful. Rather than cloning common animals, it is thought to be more necessary to clone extinct species using the DNA extracted from ancient fossils and specimens. This is mainly an imperfect process. Although in some cases cloning animals will prove to be of great value.
Humans admire and appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of an animal, whether it be small or animal. As well as beauty, animals are necessary for maintaining biodiversity which can lead to a healthy ecosystem, and conserve the population of not only the fauna but the flora as well, even micro-organisms. Professor Sharpin states “there is a lot of carbon trapped in the Siberian permafrost and if these animal’s slowdown that melting, we can slow the release of that carbon, potentially slowing the rate of global warming”. So, this study states that the woolly mammoth can help preserve the ice and delay the process of climate change by minimising the release of carbon trapped in the permafrost (Morse. F,, 2015)
There are many reasons as to why it is necessary to bring back extinct species. These reasons include, the achievement of gaining a greater understanding of the resurrected species, why they went
Through this technique the scientist would have to grind up the Dinosaurs bones to extract blood cells and proteins (Cloning and Dr. Loy). The only negative point in this form of recreation or cloning is that it is "...used only as a backup to the cloning that produces a full strand of DNA...". Another way would be like the InGen scientist using Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. The only precaution would be to ensure that the blood or cells being extracted are actually from dinosaurs which at this point is extremely difficult. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer is when and ovum is created with a donor nucleus.
As many movies and articles predict the future; how is one to know that they are not that far off from the truth. With new sciences continually coming out such as designer babies, cloning, and AI society must be cautious as to how far and what it discovers. With several stories as Frankenstein and Liar that portray how the sciences go wrong; one begins to wonder if this is story or an accurate prediction. Society needs to be cautious as it goes deeper into unknown sciences involving technology because pushing too hard can be harmful, it takes only time to bring up the worst and best, and once the line of morally correct is crossed into the darkness there is no return.
Not that long ago, on December 22, 2001, a group of scientists had successfully cloned the cat CC, short for Copy Cat, who is a copy of the orange tiger tabby named Rainbow. At first glance though people would not notice that CC was a clone of Rainbow because their coloring was completely different, CC was more orange and Rainbow was more black (“Why Clone” par. 14). The reason for this is that when cloning animals there is a chance that the clone will have a different look because of which chromosomes are turned off while they are developing (“Why Clone” par. 16). This one though was one of many different animals that have been cloned many of them pets and to this day there have been 12 cloned animal, 3 of which were endangered, but they are
Over the past decades, scientists have developed numerous approach to de-extinct species through back breeding, cloning and genetic engineering. Bringing back extinct species has advantages for both humans and animals. The de-extinction of species such as woolly mammoth and saber tooth tigers would not only advanced scientific knowledge but also have environmental benefit such as restoring environment that are damaged or threatened with the help of certain now-extinct species. But the consequences to bringing extinct species back greatly outweighs the positive. While Victor Frankenstein pursuit for knowledge in itself is justified, playing with the boundaries between life and death is something that should not have tempered with. Extinct species could carry diseases that could potentially wipe humanity from the face of the planet or result in other unforeseen consequences. The de-extinction of species should not be tolerated in order to avoid consequences that could endanger the lives of humanity as well surrounding species.
We should clone endangered and extinct animals because they can help cure diseases that we don’t know how to do today or that we don't have the ability to do today. It is a good idea to clone animals because
It is important to carefully examine the pros and cons of bringing back extinct animals.
Technology has changed our world for the better... or has it made our world worse? As technology changed(s), our ability to come up with new technological advances that we never thought possible, have become possible. At first the only cloning ever thought possible were the birth of twins, but now we can do more. Cloning has the potential to change the field of medicine, animal conservation and the meat and dairy industry, but even with all these beneficial achievements, some see cloning as a threat to the way we perceive the world. To understand the benefits of cloning, we must push aside their views and welcome a change in society.
Today’s technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true; the example is cloning technology. Cloning is a process used to create an exact copy of a mammal by using the complete genetic material of a regular body cell. Different from the common propagate, cloning needs only one cell and without sex. Cloning, as of recent years, has become a very controversial issue in society but cloning can have several positive effects for the well being of society. Many people in society believe that scientists should develop a clone human but many people and especially the government are against human cloning. Hundreds of
Cloning livestock affects the world in a social aspect because it is against many values and ethics. Many people are uncomfortable with the thought of genetically altering living organisms and getting involved in nature by cloning different species. Others however are completely for the idea and feel it will be a great addition to the livestock population. Many may think that it would be a lot easier and more efficient to clone because now farmers could give exact quantities of products.
Although the idea of cloning in and of itself is not a particularly new idea -- the first animal cloned was in 1997, almost twenty years ago -- in our society today, attention and discussions over human cloning specifically are consistently growing, whether it is in regard to cloning for reproductive purposes, or for research purposes, also known as “therapeutic” cloning. However, there are ethical dilemmas in either case. What I will be discussing in this paper relates to cloning for purposes of biomedical research. In these cases, the aim is to acquire new knowledge that will help inform the medical community and change our ways of healing through the use of embryonic stem cells. The ethical conflict here is that the cloned embryo will be
Picture this: walking down a street and seeing someone who looks exactly like you. They do the same things as you, act the same way you do, and are exactly alike in several ways. But have people ever considered the consequences of human cloning if it becomes permitted? Human cloning might seem like something out of a science-fiction novel, but it may someday be possible with advances in science and technology. This will result in the creation of several ethical and moral issues for those in the field of genetics. Cloning of a human is a great accomplishment in itself; in fact, it can be deemed as an achievement of which people could have only dreamt of in their dreams. Cloning can be considered a trite in the field of medicine as it has a lot of benefits such as; curing cancer, reversing heart attack, and curing genetic diseases, etc. Although, potential of medical accidents in cloning is grossly overstated, the cloning of human beings should not be prohibited.
Today’s technology has developed so quickly that many impossible things have become true; the example is cloning technology. Cloning is a process used to create an exact copy of an animal by using the complete genetic material of regular body cell. Nowadays, “many animals clones don’t spring forth fully formed, and they aren’t even grown in test tubes,” (Rudenko, 2003), Ph.D., a molecular biologist and senior adviser for biotechnology in the CVM. “They are just born just like any other animal.” In other words, clones are identical copies of animals,
The prospect of human cloning was introduced in February 1997 when an embryologist was able to produce a lamb through the process of cloning. Once the lamb was cloned, the question of whether research for human cloning came into being. Society and researchers have feuded over whether human cloning should be banned or allowed for research and reproduction purposes. Each side has reasonable ideologies to continue their stance towards the opposing argument. Pro- cloners believe that the research developed from human cloning will benefit society, while those who oppose it believe there are numerous risks in allowing the research. A decision will be reached when both sides compromise and reach an agreement.
The idiom “like two peas in a pod”is typically used to describe how two different people possess many similar character attributes or personality traits, but with the advancement of modern science, this may gain a whole new connotation due to the introduction of cloning. With a mature somatic cell, such as a skin cell, and a DNA containing nucleus from a female egg cell - a whole new life can be created. The health of our future generations could greatly improve through the use of cloning and the many benefits it has in store, such as being able to remove defective genes and generate fast recovery from traumatic injuries using embryonic stem cells (Smith, “The Benefits of Human Cloning”).
How would you like to have another you? No, not an identical twin but another person who is actually 100% you? Would the idea fill you with delight or horror?. As a genetic engineer as well as a senior researcher at the University of Adelaide I am terrified from where the research of cloning human would end up?. Human cloning also known as the creation of a genetically copy of a human, infect cloning is the creation of an organism that has an exact genetic copy of another. Since the cloning of Dolly the Sheep in 1997, research of human cloning has been on the edge of the seat. It brings many benefits including, elimination of the birth defects, through manipulate the embryos gene to remove the birth defect and provide them a healthier life. However, it will bring numerous disadvantages into the world that over shadows its benefits including, everyone not being able to afford it due the expense, individuality of the cloned person is destroyed and, creates a religious conflict.