
Psychological Needs Theory

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This article talks about the psychological needs of human beings where their satisfaction can have a positive or a negative effect in the life of an individual. For instance, the satisfaction of psychological needs will make a person have self- determination, motivation, social development and well-being. On the contrary, the dissatisfaction of psychological needs will make a person aggressive, be ill- be and will lack self- defense and a way of solving issues soundly. The theory of self–determination developed by American Psychologists supported that satisfaction of psychological needs will make an individual to be determined in life and have the strength to face situations positively. First, psychological need satisfaction and frustration can lead to either dark and bright side of a person’s character. Thus, psychological development is what brings out the ‘best’ or ‘beast’ in a person and defines their character, thinking capacities, their attitudes and depression levels. Various benefits accompany the satisfaction of these psychological needs which include fostering human growth through intrinsic motivation and integration and attainment of good health. The dissatisfaction of psychological needs will make a person to lack self- control, have rigid behavioral patterns and oppositional defiance. Although such negative vices may develop in a person, there are ways of coping with psychological need satisfaction. Self- determination theory (SDT) supported that some

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