
The Importance Of Reading

Decent Essays

I can’t lie, reading isn’t one of my favorite things to do, but reading is a way of life. As I get older i’m finally realizing why it was so important for me to learn how to read,being in high school has definitely been a challenge learning big word and also as you get older you are exposed to more and more bigger words. Reading is something I have not been the greatest in since I was a little kid,I remember being a 6th grader on a 4th grader reading level when we took star reading test. Taking those tests was very discouraging to me I used to make up every excuse on why not to take that test,because I knew I wasn’t gonna do good enough on them. Reading in elementary school had it ups, I loved going to the library as a class to go …show more content…

I remember staying up late at night just to work on my project, I use to not wanna go to sleep because I was up all night thinking about how cute and creative my project looked. The book fair was something huge in elementary school because first of all we got the chance to get out of class and look at eachother projects. One year there was this project that was literally the most creative thing I ever saw, he did a book about different types of chocolate and he glued chocolate around his poster as “border” and even had a bowl of chocolate so people can take one as they looked at his poster. Another cool thing about the book fair is that you can win money if you have the best one out of the different schools around MIssissippi and that money helped your school get new things for you a better learning environment. When I was living in Mississippi reading was a big thing to them because that was the only way schools could earn things for their school,the state went by how the teacher were teaching their students and how much the student learned by the end of the year. When the state had this going I remember being in my favorite teacher class and having a chart with all of our names on it and every week we would go to the library to check out short story books. Every time we finished a book we had to tell her what the book was about, and if we was right we put a sticker by our name. The chart was a good motivation to want to read and also the first person to reach the end

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