
The Importance Of Teamwork, Social Responsibility And Communication

Satisfactory Essays

This essay looks at workplace citizenship and its essential components and critically argues the importance of teamwork, social responsibility and communication as important core values and skills to the NGO sector.
Today the highly competitive and global marketplace is moving towards high performance, effective organizations that generate high degrees of employee job satisfaction. As a result a substantial amount of research and study has been conducted to determine the various factors that may contribute to an organisations overall performance and effectiveness. A key area of study has been in the area of organisational citizenship and its resultant behaviours, which initially grew out of Dennis Organ’s musings into understanding the apparent non-relationship between job satisfaction and job performance (Organ, 1988).
Over the last 30 years researchers have been studying organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) to determine the antecedents and motives to organisational citizenship, as there is considerable evidence that workplace citizenship, or organisational citizenship, when aggregated over time and people, makes a significant contribution to organizational effectiveness (Podaskoff, et al. 2000).
According to Nemeth and Staw (1989), organizational citizenship can improve an organisations performance and gain it the competitive edge needed to not only be a market leader but also retain key personnel that are motivated to perform beyond their actual job requirements.

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