
The Importance Of Verbal And Non Verbal Communication Essay

Decent Essays

My partner and I spent twenty minutes talking about our goals and fears, regarding this course. I found this process comfortable, a combination of factors are the reasons in which this process was comfortable including, the use of verbal and non-verbal communication. My partner and I recognized a number of objectives we had that were similar to each other’s, along with areas that we differed in. My goals for this course mainly revolve around improving my intervention knowledge and skills. While improving my skills I view as strengths. I plan to overcome my challenges is through participation and expansion of knowledge. During this process I was able to observe strengths and weaknesses within myself. This paper will describe in depth the areas my partner and I discussed. Our short interaction would be considered informal communication, as our conversation was casual. My partner and I used both verbal and non-verbal communication, during our discussion. Verbal communication that was used included tone of voice, tones of voice would change when talking about similar experiences or learning objectives. Along with, when we initially began the process and verbally introduced ourselves. Additionally, non-verbal communication was also used in a number of ways. My partner and I sat facing each other on opposite sides on the desk, to allow us space to write short notes. We both used proper body language, sitting with an open posture. Eye contact was continuous and facial expressions

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