
The Importance Of Written Communication

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to staff however about serious matters such as a disciplinary, a formal posture is required to reflect the severity of the situation.
Sign Language, Braille and Makaton
At present, I do not have sufficient knowledge of these types of communication to use them effectively, however Makaton is a type of communication that I believe would be beneficial to learn for my job role within the next few years. In addition to this I would like to learn sign language as a personal goal to assist in broadening the spectrum of people with whom I can communicate with effectively.
Assisted Communication
At present, I use pictorial boards to help services users who have difficulty understanding and expressing themselves verbally, to choose their meals and activities for the day. This has proved to be very useful, and in the future, with the advancements of technology, I believe it would be beneficial for the organisation and its stakeholders for us to explore the use of electronic devices to broaden the range of communication for these service users.
Written Communication
Written communication is also frequently used on a daily basis. This includes writing reports for service users or for management duties, and also emails, texts and letters. All written communication is kept up to date, accurate and clear, as this is a legal requirement from our regulators and is also required by legislation. “Written communications should be accurate, in detail, up to date, non-judgemental and

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