
The Inequality Of The Math And Science

Decent Essays

Many people in society place a gender with almost every career field there is. For example, many people feel that there should only be males in both the math and science fields, or they associate males with a math or science career. Many women are not choosing to go into these fields such as physics or biology, because there are also not enough mentors encouraging women to go into the math and science fields. Society has built this culture to make girls not want to go into math and science because females are not hired in those fields as frequently as males are. Although society may feel that women shouldn’t have a career in the math and science fields, I personally feel that women shouldn’t go by what society says and not follow the societal norm or fit in this “mold” that society puts women in.
According to, “Women earned 37 percent of computer science degrees in 1985, but there were only 18 percent earned in 2010” (Gonchar 4). Some studies show that the problem really starts at childhood because many women are not encouraged by teachers nor their parents to become engineers or biochemists. The discouragement that they receive ultimately makes some women not even want to attempt the harder science classes throughout college, which are required in order to have a career in the science field. According to, some girls are opting out to take advance science and math courses during their final years of high school. Sedghi also states that

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