
The Internal And External Forces That Influence Success

Good Essays

SWOT Analysis

NPO leaders and boards of directors must understand the internal and external forces that influence success. One standard tool for understanding and positioning the organization for overall improvement is the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis. (NCU, 2016) According to Weese (2009), a SWOT analysis is an honest evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats inherent in a given situation (Weese, 2009, p. 265). It involves specify the object of the project and identify the internal and external factors. Many companies use SWOT analysis to understand their position in the market and develop a plan of action. Therefore, a SWOT analysis is an important part of the project planning. Strength (internal factors): attributes of the organization that helps accomplish the project objective. Weaknesses (internal factors): attributes of the organization that stops the accomplishment of the project goal. Opportunities (external factors): external conditions that help accomplish the project. Threats (external factors): external conditions that could impair the project.
The reason for this SWOT analysis is to assemble, break down, and assess data and distinguish key alternatives confronting the Biotechnology Research and Training Center (Biotech Center) at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke (UNCP) at a given time. SWOT Analysis is a highly successful method for distinguishing qualities and shortcomings, and of

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