
The Issue Of Models On Disability

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The key aspect discussed on the concerns about models on disability, which shows that there has been a interest on the promotion of inclusion through sport ( Thomas and smith, 2009). It is stated that inclusive sport not only benefits physical, health, psychological and cognitive factors but also offers a variety of other benefits. These additional benefits consists of opportunities to develop friendships with peers with or without disabilities, opportunities to develop social skills in order to communicate with others, decreased isolation as participation and evolvement with people will increase, attitude changes among the peers and increased acceptance. The US department of health (2010) stated that nineteen students participated in …show more content…

Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching and there are variety of different definitions, the main point to be discussed is the knowledge in the context. Armour (2011) suggests that the selection of any understanding to be taught, learnt or coached is at all times a context board decision that shows and supports at times challenges what influential individuals or groups believe is useful at any given time. Another key element to be examined is about the teachers and coaches, as effective teachers and coaches are also learners themselves who consistently and critically display their personal abilities to meet the needs of young learners. Furthermore Watkins and Mortimore (1999) reviewed a range of definitions with pedagogy and stated that learning is at its core. Similarly Leah and Moon (1999) suggested that at its simplest pedagogy can be perceived as teaching and learning. So Although there are vary definitions of pedagogy we can see that they both share some characteristics. Additionally there are many roles in sport pedagogy, the first role is that efficient pedagogies gives essential reflection towards pupil voice. Listening to students consists further than just hearing what the students have to say as part of the procedure of learning and teaching. Niemi, Heikknen and Kansas display that including students in academic and managing and listening thoroughly to their stories and experiences as learners is important in progressing

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