
Three Connected Facets Of Leadership

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Manning and Curtis (2015) comprehensively discuss three connected facets of leadership: leadership authority, empowerment, and the quality imperative. While each have distinct qualities and characteristics, they are closely connected. Of these three, empowerment is the focus of two peer-reviewed articles examined for correlation and contrast in this paper. Manning and Curtis refer to “Robert Cole, influential author and educator” (2015, p.177) and his series of principles that describe empowerment in the workplace. The principles include, “Trust in people; Invest in people; Recognize accomplishments; Decentralize decision making; and View work as a cooperative effort” (Cole as cited by Manning and Curtis, 2015, p. 177). Employee empowerment retains a critical role in the success of leaders and organizations.
Empowerment Article Comparison
“Employee empowerment: from managerial practices to employees’ behavioral empowerment” (Boudrais, Gaudreau, Savoie, and Morin, 2009, p. 625) is the first of two articles researching the relationship of empowerment and leadership. The second article, “Employee empowerment, employee attitudes, and performance: testing a causal model” (Fernandez and Modogaziev, 2013, p. 490), published a few years later, adds to the growing research on the subject.
Both articles confirm, “A growing body of evidence suggests that employee empowerment can be used to improve job satisfaction, organizational commitment, innovativeness, and performance”

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