
The Legacy Leader Of Influence Essay

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Legacy Leader “Leader of Influence” SFC Kim, Chun S. US Army, SLC 17-001 Abstract Some leaders have some special gift and skill. They can order and control people to what to do in their favor. They also influence and inspire others in many different ways. There are some leaders who influence me and inspire me so that I can exert my effort to become a better human being, Soldier and a better leader in my life. Especially I’d like to pick a individual whom inspired me most. He name is Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Charles Fitzpatric. In this passage I will explain how he motivated and inspired me with his leadership style. I will also describe how he coached and helped me to have an idea of legacy leader. I will also describe the legacy that I would like to leave as a leader in the US Army. Keywords: [legacy leaders, influence, ] Legacy Leader “Leader of Influence” As I said in the abstract above, I will discuss about a leader that I came across in my Army career that has made a significant impact on my life and my leadership style. This gentleman name is Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Charles Fitzpatrick. I met him when I was stationed in Camp Casey, South Korea in 1999-2000. He was the division CSM. As usual it was hard to see a division CSM in a daily life basis of an infantry line company Soldier. Top of that the division headquarter was located at Camp Red Cloud which was one hour away from Camp Casey. We only see him on the pictures of our chain of command. One day

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