
The Meaning Of Art

Decent Essays

For many individuals collecting and viewing art might be thought of as a favorite hobby or past time. Individuals might be seen at a local art museum just gazing at a piece of art, exhibiting almost signs of being in a trance of deep thought as one stands front and center, not moving for what seems to be an endless amount of time. The reason for such an appreciation for art, might be what it represents. Lisa Marder writes, “Art can be thought of as a symbol of what it means to be human, manifested in physical form for others to see and interpret. It can serve as a symbol for something that is tangible, or for a thought, an emotion, a feeling, or a concept. Through peaceful means, it can convey the full spectrum of the human experience.” (Marder, 2017, para. 28). Meaning, art really has the ability to express many things and perspectives, which can also be represented in various shapes, sizes, and forms such as, drawings, sculptures, paintings, etc. With that being said, art is not only about the message that is being conveyed, but also a significance placed upon how the message is conveyed. There is a lot of thought and precision that goes into creating such art, that will enhance the message being conveyed; form and composition, material and technique, the lines, color, and texture, space and perspective, and proportion and scale. It is that same thought and precision that went into the 1941 creation of John Steuart Curry’s, “Our Good Earth” (Kevernacular, 2014). The “Our

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