
The Milgram Experiment: The Bystander Effect

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In the Milgram Experiment a group of people were paired up with another person they’ve never met in their entire lives. One of them was going to be the teacher and the other the student. In the experiment the teacher would ask the student a question and if they got it wrong, they would get shock, every time they got a question wrong the bolt of energy of the shock would increase. The experiment consist on seeing if the teacher would keep hurting another person just because a guy in a white lab coat would tell them to. Although no one got hurt, because the student was an actor and knew what was happening, the results were shocking. In the experiment I was really surprised. You could hear the “screams” of the students every time they got shock …show more content…

I’m not sure how old this video is by I’m sure that times now aren’t getting any better. Most people would keep walking if someone fell down the street. I feel that us as humans we’re too scare of what we don’t know. We don’t know who they are. I also feel that media warns us about so many corruption in the world that now we don’t know what is real and what is all a trick. The Bystander Effect On this video a few people are being asked to lay down on the ground by stairs, as if they were a hobo. When the people dressed casual, the people around them walked up and down the stairs without doing anything. They got a few stares but overall nobody did anything. Others I feel like they felt the need to try and see if they were okay but since nobody else did, they didn’t either. When the guy was dress nice in a suit, it took other citizens about 6 seconds to ask him if he was fine. The same guy was dress in normal clothing and this time he was asked to pretend that he was in pain and to yell for help. People just looked at him and didn’t do anything. Another lady was asked to lay down on the stairs in casual clothing but it took people a few minutes to finally check on her. A woman tried to fight the urge to help her, she looked

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