
The Movie Soul Surfer, A Young Surfer Named Bethany

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Unit 2 Essay Many times, in life we are forced to make decisions which require us to ask questions and analyze the possible outcomes before making our decision. In the movie Soul Surfer, a young surfer named Bethany had to do just that. The film is set in Kauai, Hawaii where teenager Bethany Hamilton and her parents Tom and Cheri, along with her two brothers Noah and Timmy are all avid surfers. Bethany’s best friend Alana Blanchard also shares the same passion for surfing as she does. Bethany is an active member of the youth ministry at her church which is under the direction of Sarah Hill and she is planning a mission trip soon. Bethany is soon faced with the major decision of whether to follow her goal of entering a surfing …show more content…

I think God had a plan for her life and led her the make the decision. After Bethany recovers she learns to surf with one arm and re-enters the competition only to lose so she gets disheartened and decides to quit surfing. Later, another mission trip comes up and she decides to go on it. She is teamed up with a little boy who has a fear of water so Bethany, using creative thinking, uses her surfboard to coax him into the water. Her idea worked and she realized that she could use her gift of surfing to inspire and help others overcome their fears. This motivated her to take up surfing again and she later wins a national championship. During an interview, she was asked what she would do if she could undo the loss of her arm her response was, “she would still lose it because she can embrace more people than she ever could with both” (Brookwell, David, Producer, & McNamara, Sean, Director, 2011). Bethany had to make several decisions in her life many of which appear to have had a logical organized approach even though some of the outcomes were not as she expected. Sometimes our hearts desires and goals tend to blind us from the possibilities and potential outcomes of our decisions. We should think both creatively and critically about any situation before a decision is made and consider all possible outcomes. Bethany had lost an arm doing what she loved to do. But why? Her youth ministry

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