
The Nature of the Irish Nationalism was Changed by the Act of Union in 1800

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The Act of Union in 1800 was a significant factor to the nature of Irish nationalism in 1800. Prior to the Act, the society of the united Irishmen, a republican society who wanted parliamentary reform and Catholic Emancipation, fought, under the leadership of Robert Emmet, with physical force for their complete independence. Because of their military strand they differed from their predecessors the ‘Protestant Patriots’, this is because the society was heavily influenced by revolutionary events in France and New America in the late 18th century. The rebellion, although unsuccessful, with its leader imprisoned, had major consequential effects; which was the passing of the Act of Union in 1800. The Act set the tone for the rest of Irish …show more content…

Even though this constitutional change was a disappointment to the Irish and not a breakthrough in the changing nature of the Irish question as the Irish vote was not restored to the 40-shilling freehold, it saw the emergence of the O’Connellites in the 1833 general election with 39 MPs, and thus became the largest bloc of Irish MPs in the House of Commons. With the informal alliance with the Liberal government, Ireland was given several significant concessions; a national primary education was set up which, by 1881, allowed for ¾ of those aged between 6 and 15 the ability to read . The new under-secretary, Thomas Drummond, took an even more dramatic turn in the Irish question. He opened large areas of official employment for Catholics such as the reorganisation of the police force in 1836 which enrolled many Catholics; Catholics began to be appointed to high offices in the Irish judiciary and the powers of the Orange order, an extremist protestant organisation, were curbed . Even though O’Connell failed to repeal the Act of Union as he intended to, the reforms that brought changes to the Irish question, which were due to O’Connell, for demising the Tory party through his emancipation Act and the Great Reform Act that gave him and the O’Connellites more power to concede to Irish reforms.
The Great Famine of 1845-9 was a great turning point in the changing nature of all aspects of the Irish question. In terms of land, Ireland’s land

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