Most of us fail to realize that caffeine is present in almost every drink that we consume. Most people enjoy the positive effects that caffeine does to our bodies, but have you ever thought of the negative? Caffeine is a stimulant to the central nervous system and the regular use of it can cause a mild physical dependence. With a dependence being shown I strongly do believe that caffeine is just as addictive as any other drug. Over 90 percent of the United States consumes caffeinated beverages on a daily basis and almost over 50 percent of those people drink more than the recommended amount. With the majority of people having coffees in the mornings we fail to recognize the negative impact it can have on our body. By 2011 there have …show more content…
Since caffeine is a stimulant and a diuretic it will increase your blood pressure and heart rate by a lot, which is a big no when it comes to pregnancy. You may be able to handle the intake of caffeine that you drink normally per day but can your baby? Numerous studies, tested on animals, have shown birth defects, premature labor, preterm delivery, reduced fertility and an increased risk of low birth weight and more reproductive problems. There were two studies conducted in 2008 that either have or haven’t related the effects of drinking high amounts of caffeine relating to miscarriages. Study one, by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, found that women who drink 200mg or more of caffeinated beverages daily are two times as likely to have a miscarriage than those who do not have any caffeine. The other study, by Epidemiology, showed that there was no risk of such allegations. Due to the conflicting results from the numerous studies the March of Dimes stated that until more conclusive evidence can be shown that mothers to be should limit their caffeine intakes to no more than 200 mg per day. Have you ever stopped drinking coffee or soda for a few days and felt sick days later? That’s because you are going through something called a withdrawal. A withdrawal means that you are not taking something that your body is used to having and it then makes you sick. People who suffer from a withdrawal usually are dependent on drugs, but the
Introduction: (bring a monster, sip it) alright. How many of you here drink coffee, energy drinks, or soda daily? Well we aren’t alone; according to Villanova Health Service about 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine in one way or another every single day.
III. When you don’t consume caffeine as you usually do, you can have withdrawal symptoms.
C. Sig. Of Topic -Connection – Caffeine is pervasive in our society these days and every few months we hear about how a study has shown that it is bad for us or good for us. What are we to believe?
Most people aren’t aware that caffeine can act as a stimulant to the central nervous system. So once someone consumes a caffeinated beverage they may begin to notice a slight change in the way their body begins to feel. Caffeine can be found in many different places such as energy drinks, coffee, candy and also in other common beverages and over the counter medications. Caffeine can have major side effects on those who consume it on a regular routine, but caffeine can also have side effects on those who rarely even consume caffeine . “These side effects include sleep deprivation, nausea, cramping, anxiety, fatigue, and headaches (Braun 73).” Not only does drinking a couple of caffeinated beverages come with its list of side effects,
From coffee to tea, caffeine has become a prominent substance that people use to keep them alert and productive. Considering the number of people that consume more and more amounts of caffeine each day through different means, it has been integrated into daily lives as a part of a routine. However, many people do not comprehend what caffeine is actually doing to their bodies, and they just consume it for the energy boost it provides. Primarily used as a stimulant, caffeine has proven itself in the course of history as a beneficial component of daily routines, despite the fact that repercussions have become more prevalent in the past years surrounding the use of caffeine.
Specifically, John Hopkins explains, ¨Around 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine every single day in one form or another. More than half of all American adults consume more than 300 milligrams of caffeine every day, making it America's most popular drug by far.¨ (Bryant, 2015, para 3). Therefore, this quote explains how many people consume caffeine on a daily basis without knowing some basic statistics about caffeine. Coffee is a day to day routine for many people's lives, but an idea that does not cross some people's minds is that coffee has a high quantity of caffeine. The caffeine in the coffee has several side effects like an increases their heart rate, and depending on how sensitive a person is to caffeine, it can cause them to be
Meanwhile some say caffeine makes the world go round. For students, caffeine is often a necessity and is widely available in the form of coffee, tea, energy drinks and more. The lack of dangerous side effects and the increased cognitive “boost” caffeine provides can be enticing. Many students believe the benefits of drinking caffeinated beverages certainly outweigh the risks. However, keep in mind a few things before indulging; caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, just like Adderall and amphetamines. (Caffeine: How much is too much?) While caffeine use does not pose the same negative health consequences of some stimulants, caffeine withdrawal, dependence and toxicity do
Others go to a different dimension entirely. After drinking cola, tea or coffee, they take a cigarette break or place some tobacco in their mouth. By the end of the day they top it up with alcoholic drinks. This may call for multiple detox programs. For now, we will concentrate on caffeine users only.
One on the beneficial effects on caffeine, two the negative effects, and finally on trends in caffeine consumption
Thesis Statement: Caffeine is something that almost everyone has consumed and some people are even addicted to, it has negative and positive effects on one’s health.
People ask why is caffeine so appealing? Nutritionists state that kids and teens are not at risk if taken in moderation. However, for adults, they consume it as a drug. They desire it to improve mental and physical performance and mood. Caffeine is considered the most consumed drug in the world. As being a drug, caffeine can cause withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and caffeine dependency. One may say that caffeine should be taken in moderation and can still have the pleasing effects on the central nervous system. If not, it will negatively affect the body mentally and
Caffeine has many negative effects on humans, such as increased heart rate (Lane, J.D., 2002), depression (Goldstein, 2008), and addiction to this “drug.” You may be asking yourself, “What is caffeine?” Well, caffeine is actually a stimulant (Barone, Roberts, 2008) that is found in beverages such as tea, coffee, and soft drinks. In fact, caffeine is the highest grossing and most used stimulant in the United States (Barone, Roberts, 2008). It is estimated that 85% of adults living in the United States consume caffeine on a daily basis (Barone, Roberts, 2008). That means for every 100 adults, 85 of them have had a drink that contained caffeine on any given day. One reason caffeine is so widely available compared to other stimulants is
Many people have consumed caffeine in some sort of way, whether its through coffee, soda or chocolate. However, many of us do not know that it is a highly addictive stimulant. Caffeine is good for increasing alertness, happiness, energy and increased task performance. It does this by stimulating the central nervous system and directly affecting the body’s metabolism. However, having too much caffeine can cause problems such as, but not limited to, insomnia, irregular heart rhythms, dehydration, and headaches.
Interestingly, caffeine is the most loved and widely used stimulants in America. According to the CNBC’s news reports, it stated Americans ingested their daily caffeine intake to about 400 million cups (Wapner, 2011). In fact, caffeine can be found in a variety of dietary sources, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, some soda and energy drinks, as well as some nonprescription medications. It is considered as a legal drug and consumed by all people in the society. Some people believed that that caffeine is good for healthy adults because it keep them awake, boost up their memories, as well as improve their metabolism and mental alertness. However, some people believed that caffeine brings negative
Caffeine is a stimulant and can be chemically addictive. Although it doesn’t necessarily jeopardize health the same way other drugs do, it is possible to develop a dependence. Quitting caffeine abruptly, especially if you’ve been consuming two or more cups of coffee a day, can cause physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms. In fact, caffeine intoxication and caffeine withdrawal are classified as mental disorders in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) when either one interferes with daily life.