
The Network Requirements Of Many Small Organizations

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The networking requirements of many small organizations can be served by a single LAN with one or two servers. The design of a small network should be simplistic, but practical, reliable and scalable. A good LAN network must easily expand as the business grows, even if the scale of the original environment is small. Avoid making technology judgments that might limit the company as it grows. I will deal with the physical and logical design of a LAN by building a network in a test laboratory, consisting of computers, an Appliance Security Appliance (ASA) 5505 firewall and switches. Network will consist of Fiber Optic Cable Modem, Nodes, Communication Media, Networking Devices A security policy will be in place, or updated to reflect the goals of the company. Redundant Firewalls with VPNle Communication media (copper cable to connect to the internet, fiber cable) Switch: Switches connect multiple devices, including computers and printers, on the same network. Router is attached to a switch# routers connect a network to other networks, such as the Internet. They shield data from security threats using technologies such as firewalls and virtual private networks (VPNs). They can even decide which computers get preference over others. A workstation connected to a switch Storage server ( server with hard disk) The server will be acting as a print server backup Redundancy: is two chassis, two modules, two links. It means you have a backup to take over the primary system if

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