The networking requirements of many small organizations can be served by a single LAN with one or two servers. The design of a small network should be simplistic, but practical, reliable and scalable. A good LAN network must easily expand as the business grows, even if the scale of the original environment is small. Avoid making technology judgments that might limit the company as it grows. I will deal with the physical and logical design of a LAN by building a network in a test laboratory, consisting of computers, an Appliance Security Appliance (ASA) 5505 firewall and switches. Network will consist of Fiber Optic Cable Modem, Nodes, Communication Media, Networking Devices A security policy will be in place, or updated to reflect the goals of the company. Redundant Firewalls with VPNle Communication media (copper cable to connect to the internet, fiber cable) Switch: Switches connect multiple devices, including computers and printers, on the same network. Router is attached to a switch# routers connect a network to other networks, such as the Internet. They shield data from security threats using technologies such as firewalls and virtual private networks (VPNs). They can even decide which computers get preference over others. A workstation connected to a switch Storage server ( server with hard disk) The server will be acting as a print server backup Redundancy: is two chassis, two modules, two links. It means you have a backup to take over the primary system if
Kudler Fine Foods will be embarking on a new project to implement improvement to its existing network infrastructure. The end result will be the installation of a WAN to connect all three store locations together to enable better communication and sharing of data. A new WLAN shall also be implemented in order to provide more flexibility in the stores and make added new systems and features easier in the future. Lastly with the new network implementations there shall also be a new VOIP system added to the multi-store network. The first section shall cover the network’s fundamental characteristics components, and
There are various types of equipment that the company should look for when considering this network. The first item to look at when considering equipment is the Operating system and software that we would need. Next, the group took into consideration the type of server the company needs to make this network a reality. Another thing that we looked at is the possibility of having ThinClients over regular desktops for all workstations. Of course, it was taken into consideration that some employees would not want ThinClients. So, we show the type of tower we plan to place into those spaces, along with any peripheral device for both. Then, we will look at the network devices that will go into each building that include switches, routers, repeaters, hubs, and wireless access points. Finally, the group will note guidelines for choosing a local ISP at each site. Each Item outlined helps to build a network based on the specifications given by the company.
Router is a device for networking that sends packets of data between the networks of a computer. The packet of data is forwarded to routers of the networks that contain the internetwork until the packet is at the destination node. A router can be linked to several data lines from various systems. The router reads the address information in the packet to establish the ultimate destination when the data packet is in any data lines (Liu, 2012).
The network consists hardware and software components and other components to keep the company safe. A common network that Jay’s company will need are routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, SANs, and Domain Name System (DNS). The router and switches will allow the systems to communicate. Jay needs to ensure that the routers have spare capacity after the deployment to cope with projected growth and usage. The switches will connect to the system within the network. Both running at capacity tend to induce escalating bottlenecks. This will affect how long it takes for the clients to submit messages to the servers on different networks, Jay needs to make sure he is up to date with the router and switch because it can cost greatly if he does not.
A router is a network device, typically connected to a variety of LAN and WAN interfaces, that forwards packets based on their destination IP addresses.
In the Network Design Paper I will explain how the University has recently leased a building in Adelphi, Maryland. The measurements of the University is 240 feet long, 95 feet wide and 30 feet tall and broken down to two different floors. This University will be used for education purposes of course, the facility will be made of six instructional labs, seven offices, library, five classrooms, a student lobby and a computer lab. There will be a server room on each floor. The purpose of this paper is to explain the design of the networks in this building. The student accessed computers will be set up on a separate network than the network that they staff will be using.
When setting up a LAN the architecture that you decide to choose is important. There are several factors that are decided when choosing said architecture, some of these being network speeds, types of cables, and access control mechanisms like collision detection (Team, 2011). The most common on in today’s LANs is Ethernet. These can be either wireless, wired, or a hybrid of both.
A LAN is a ‘Local Area Network’. It is a small network of computers most often
The proposed network is designed to serve DesignIT which consist 56’x36’ office space, 4 cubicles, 1 office, 1 server room, 1 receptionist desk and 1 conference room.
For example, the Sales and Marketing Division has a desktop computer for each of the account representatives. All of these computers are connected to a small local area network (LAN) that serves only the Sales and Marketing Division. The
● Remote Management over CLI RMON 1, RMON 2, RMON 3, RMON 9, SNMP 1,
Physical media is what physically connects the computers connected on the internet. For this network two physical media will be used to allow access to the application layers of the system. The coaxial cables will be used to create a WAN. While a wireless protocol will be used in allowing users to roam within the network. A LAN will be represented as follows;
The networking of the system is recommended after a system study and the fact that there has been a 100% expansion of the demand for the system- from 5 to 50 have been noted. It is also shown that as of now there are machines that are stand alone with windows 7 operating system. The task is to provide a network connectivity that would provide direct connections between the employees, and be centralized in the operation. This essentially requires the creation of a network. This means that all the computers must be installed with a network card and this would be the case with windows 7. The question then comes is if there must be windows networking or use other protocols. We can also partly use the most modern practical solutions.
A router is a device that is used to connect dissimilar device. It is present and operates at the Network layer of the OSI model.
• Purpose of a LAN (hosts, devices (dual functions), examples of LAN use, types of resources shared, information that can be accessed using a LAN, purpose of LAN components) AND advantages and disadvantages of cable, fibre, wireless in terms of bandwidth, location, security, reliability, set up, suitability