
The Old Fairy Tale By Charles Perrault And The 1990s Movie Pretty Woman Directed By Garry Marshall

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In everyday life, people are given roles to play; doctors are to heal the wounded, officers are to maintain order in society and teachers are to guide the youth onto the right path. In the past, each gender had to behave a certain way, the men were the strong worker of the home, whom provided the income for the family, while as the women were the gentle angels at home, whom took care of the children and housework. If the women were to defy these roles, they would be look down upon and be treated worse. However, time has change, these roles are no longer black and white; there is no longer a certain way a woman is supposed to act, modern women are depicted differently from the way they were in the past, this is due to the new norms in society that has been molded throughout time. This can be proven with the old fairy tale “Cinderella” by Charles Perrault and the 1990s movie Pretty Woman directed by Garry Marshall.
To begin with, these two story and film both revolved around a woman who goes through many challenges and then found the love of their life, but the way they are depicted as are completely different from each other. Perrault’s tale of “Cinderella” is set during the olden time. The title named protagonist of this story is portrayed as a pretty young woman whose daily life consisted of housework and obeying her stepmother whom was quite wicked and “haughty” (Perrault 16). Cinderella on the other hand was a woman “of parallel goodness and sweetness” (Perrault 16) who

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