
The Origins Of Lean Thinking

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1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The origins of lean thinking is actually created from the manufacturing industry. In the manufacturing or production industry, lean management design approach main objective is focusing on the elimination of waste and having a smooth workflow through a right process. Lean also enables the organization to improve performance. In the construction industry, lean thinking still consider a new way or method of managing project in construction. Lean in the construction is an issue of developing a new thinking, knowledge and adopting new culture. On the other point, lean focused on value and the right process that would maximised value and moving towards perfection. Moving from a traditional way of managing construction project to lean will requires extra effort, not just changing the works procedure but far from that. Changing the way we think about construction to a new paradigm; lean in construction. On the other hand, off-site construction has been applied in the construction industry quite a while, especially in United Kingdom construction industry. It just a matter of people perception on accepting these off-site construction method. In other country off-site construction also known as Industrialised Building System (IBS). Off-site construction method is about moving the site activities away from the actual construction site into a controlled environment and organising the work force into production line look alike. Due to changes in technology and

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