
Safety Professionals At Podunk University

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There has not been safety professional at Podunk University for a year and half, leaving the prestigious university to fend for itself in the world of safety. Since no one was actively filling this position, the subsequent safety professional will have a lot of catching up to do. The primary focus of the safety professional will be the hazardous material and hazardous waste issues on the campus. While conducting the preliminary tour of the campus, it is noticed that there is a lot of issues that are effecting safety around the campus. The biology department and the chemistry department will need to have all chemicals inventoried to include hazardous waste. The physics department’s use of high voltage and the use of lasers in their department. The automotive technology department has more than a few issues that will need to be addressed while developing the safety program. The last major issue that was identified was the Massive Arena, the building is one of the oldest buildings on campus and is currently under renovation. The problems with many older buildings is the presents of asbestos insulations and the dangers that it presents even while being removed. Since the focus of the safety professionals will be hazardous material and hazardous waste. The best place to start would be develop a Hazard Communication Program. This should not be a complicated process, since the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) provides examples online. This is an essential task

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