
The, Positivism, And Pragmatism

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In this assignment the author has analyzed in detail the concept of different research methods philosophy into their existing theory.
The study will examine the concept of interpretivism, positivism phenomenology and pragmatism. I will try to compare, contrast and critique them into different philosophy to develop of knowledge and the nature of that knowledge
Ontology is about the reality of nature of things in life.Saunders, Lewis et al. (2009) This raises concern about question the assumption of researcher themselves about the way people operated in the world and their commitment and their particular view in research method.
There are two characteristics of ontology which I want to describe and both have their devotees among business and …show more content…

The introduction of ontologies research system has created lot of knowledge within the researcher in the systems and has many advantages. It allows for an unmistakeable description of the structure of knowledge in an area of research and enables knowledge-sharing within the researcher and therefore, allows for a variety of mechanical reasoning services over ontologies. In recent years most of researcher has realises that the increasing demand in the marked has increase in the use of ontologies, both in manufacturing and in research laboratories. This singular matter presents the recent advances, both in theory and in practical applications, of ontologies research method to the general public and provides an opportunity for the wider artificial intelligence public to be kept up to date on the current trends in ontology research..

According to (Carson et. al. 1988) Say that positivism and ontology believe that the world is external and that there is a sole objective truth to any research phenomenon or condition irrespective of the researcher 's viewpoint.
They take a skillful method and mechanical method in accompanying their research and by identifying a clear research subject of their research so that they can construct appropriate theories and

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