
The Problem Of Negative Energy Spreads Like Wildfire

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It is not a rare concept that the people we choose to surround ourselves with play a major role in our overall state of being. This is why it is always beneficial to be surrounded with those who love and support us. This not only increases and protects our self-esteem and confidence. But reminds us that there are people in this world who want to see us be the best we can be and achieve all of our goals. They make us laugh when we 're feeling blue, fix us hot tea when we 're ill and bring us back to life when we go through a horrible breakup. These are the kind of people we want in our lives. However, there will always be a time where we are introduced to someone and invite them into our lives without realizing their intentions or taking note of their character, which may just happen to be extremely negative. Negative energy spreads like wildfire, which is why it 's never a good idea to surround yourself with someone who only transmits this kind of energy. You may feel that when you 're around a certain person you are constantly irritated, defensive, overwhelmed, depressed, or angry. That is the power of negative energy, determining which person this may be is sometimes not as easy as it seems, due to the fact that many times we just seem to go with the flow and not notice how we feel around certain people. We assume that because they are our friends and family that we are automatically obligated to be happy when they are in our presence. When trying to determine if

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