
The Pros And Cons Of Coaching

Good Essays

Coaching is a multi-billion dollar industry. Yeah, that’s billion with a “b”.

And it seems everyone wants to be a coach these days. Yes it’s lucrative and yes

it’s fulfilling but can anyone be a coach?

The answer is yes and no.

It’s a yes if you’re willing to learn how to be a good coach and apply what you

learn through hundreds of hours of sessions with clients.

It’s a no if you happen to think that coaching is just about asking a bunch of

questions and hoping your client comes up with the solution himself.

It’s also a no if you think that coaching is about telling your client what to do.

The truth is, personal and business coaching requires a range of skills and


Here are the top 20 born-to- coach personality traits …show more content…

A great coach never resorts to shaming, threats or scare tactics to

motivate a client.

2. Supportive

Great coaches take their clients’ struggles seriously, no matter how small or

insignificant these may seem. It doesn’t matter if a client is trying to complete a

small project or trying to win a battle against cancer; a great coach is supportive

of any and all of these challenges. Great coaches have an incredible ability to

walk a mile in their client’s shoes yet retain enough distance to see the big

picture and offer guidance and direction.

3. Learning Machine

Great coaches have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and improvement. They’re

learning machines. If there’s a book, course, program or training that can help

them develop themselves, their business or their skills as a coach, they’re on it

like white on rice. A great coach never gets tired of learning and never ever says,

“I know enough. I can stop learning now.”

4. Innovative

Great coaches are always looking for ways to uplevel their skills and their

methodologies. They never get tired of experimenting, switching, upgrading, or

changing their coaching styles and format. In a sea of coaching experts,

innovation sets the great coach apart from everyone else. Finding and

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