
The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

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Donald Trump has done one thing since he became president elect, and that is set himself up for massive self enrichment. So I have a question every Trump supporter, where is your outrage? Donald Trump is proving he doesn't give a damn about the American people. Progressives, and even Establishment Democrats tried to warn you, but you didn't want to listen. Even now Trump supporters continue to want to live in an alternative reality. They plaster bullshit articles filled with nonsense, across social media. Posting articles that can immediately be debunked using any search engine. These same Trump supporters are the first to cry "Just give him a chance" or "You're just mad Hillary lost" when confronted with factual, reality based arguments that expose Trump. The level of hubris, arrogant denial of facts is mind blowing. There is no outrage over the corruption he is exhibits, even though Trump continues flip flop on issue after issue, promise after promise.

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The Exxon Mobil CEO has been quoted “the world will continue to use whether they like it or not”. Snowmobile shareholders voted 81% to publicly oppose climate deal. The Secretary of State is responsible for working with other countries in reducing greenhouse gases, and reversing effects of climate change.

Trump's cabinet has made one thing quite clear, it is going to be a long 4 years. Donald Trump's conflicts of interests will monumentally affect foreign and domestic policy. Trump's cabinet is key to understanding the level of self-dealing that is about to happen. These people were chosen for a reason, to rob the American people blind. We are possibly looking at the biggest heist in American history, and Donald Trump is assuming supporters will forgive him and not hold him accountable. For the future of the Republic and the American people that inhabit it I truly hope he is has Trump himself would say

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