In early December 1999, the new PUP government announced that it was establishing a broad-based “Political Reform Commission” to review Belize's system of governance and develop proposals for reform. On January 13, 1999, Prime Minister, the Honorable Said Musa officially launched the Commission in Belize City. Some of the things the Reform Commission was mandated for are: to review the system of governance and to make recommendations for its improvement, whether by amendments to the Constitution or laws or otherwise, with a view to achieving greater democracy. Also, to take account of all the ideas and proposals made over the past few years by different organizations. Some members of the Reform Commission are: Senator Eamon Courtenay, People's …show more content…
On the other hand, the Executive Presidential Model: has a president who is elected by the popular vote and who is the Head of State and head of the executive, there is provision for an elected unicameral or bicameral legislature which has significant oversight over the Executive branch, and separation of powers and checks and balances are key fundamental principles. The commission recommends that the system of national government in Belize continue to be based on the parliamentary executive model. Some of the areas that they urge to be addressed are: enhancing opportunities for people's participation in the legislative process, ensuring that elected officials and public officers who violate procedures and laws are held accountable, ensuring that Belizeans become more educated about their rights and about their political system and …show more content…
Therefore, I disagree with the commission’s recommendation. I believe that Belize should change from Parliamentary Executive to Executive Presidential. In such case, having the Parliamentary Executive system has quite a few disadvantages. Some of them are: quick decision-making, the system has not effectively prevented the increase of official waste and corruption, and the House and even more so the Senate serve largely as rubber stamps for Cabinet decisions. If we continue to use this system, the people will not be able to be a part of the decision making because this system is of a dictatorship. It means that even if we disagree with something, it’s not us who have the final say. Also, it didn’t decrease waste and corruption but I believe instead it has increased. Moreover, saying that the House and Senate serves largely as a rubber stamp for Cabinet decisions means that the House and the Senate are approving matters or making decisions without real power. The House Senate aren’t very important to what they
Since Congressional committees are ultimate decision makers, perceive that their staff individuals can have the critical impact over the course and content of legislation. Constituents are asked to keep up continuous contacts with these people, particularly subcommittee staff and the lawmakers' about particular authoritative helpers. These congressional meetings are very powerful because they also carry out legislations processes such as authorizing legislation, appropriation of bills, and entitlement legislation. Authorizing legislation is a bill that makes another government program, expands the life of a current program, or nullifications existing law. Approving bills generally set a point of confinement on the measure of assets that can
The congress has the power to declare war and the others that are part of the constitution don’t
Over the last few decades, the United States Congress has debated several campaign finance reforms. The proposals debated have included limiting independent expenditures, raising limits on individual contributions, banning all private campaign contributions, and creating a public financing campaign system.
I think that the point that would be most accessible and beneficial to the people and the average citizen would be either the Lieutenant Governor, Legislative Institutions, Senate Standing Committees point, or the Speaker of the House, Legislative Institutions, House Standing Committees point. Since these two points select most of the members and all of the chairs, this could allow average citizens to elect the officials instead and make sure that the appointed ones have good intentions in the government and refrain from becoming corrupt. “Administrators would therefore be sensitive to the wishes of the voters and would administer the law in the interest of the general public.” Every elected official usually operates in any way that interests
The most pressing issue I would face as an Assembly Member would be water conservation. The state’s lack of action and initiative to conserve water has led to California’s worst drought in over a century. This has led to panic reactions behind bills such as AB-1739, disregarding long-term economic impacts in order to fulfill short-term needs. Legislators proposing bills are not taking into consideration effects on jobs, business, and taxpayers.
Many politicians argue that there is a need for institutional reform in the United States—the sole purpose of such reform should be to develop a more efficient system for the state as a whole. However, others argue that there are existing institutions in the United States that are structured efficiently. In order to help determine where an individual will stand on the debate about institutional reform, one must compare the effects of different forms of political institutions with the existing form in the United States. There are three new proposals of reform to discuss for the United States: 1) change in the electoral system for the House of Representatives, 2) change in the executive structure
Another way to represent in government is if one is chosen as a cabinet member of the president.. They will have to represents the presidents coalitions and policies to all Local Nations under the government. Government will be base on the overall ideals of keeping the people from rebelling by supplying them with basics of safety, living, education and healthcare. The people under this form of government will only be able to survive on the aid provided by the government. The games will determine the representation and the rule of the government. The overall well being of the people will decent but they will have to endure a test every year in order to get their part in government. “May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor” (Collins, 2008). Every person has to defend themselves and create a strong alliance. They need to work strategically and be intuitive of their surroundings.
Further, the Commission’s institutional structure is a factor putting great weight on perceptions of the democratic deficit since it lacks democratic credentials yet largely dominates EU law-making in spite of the presence of the EP as its democratic face. Commissioners are not elected, directly nor indirectly, as is with most sovereign executives. Follesdal and Hix however argue that the exercise of these executive powers requires contestation of political leadership and policy. They also suggest that direct elections by citizens or national parliaments should be allowed for the contestation of the Commission President who holds the most powerful EU executive position, so as to increase democratic input. Contrary to this position is that of Moravcsik, who discounts the idea of elections as a possible remedy and rejects the notion of
“The current government of Belize took form when they declared their independence in 1981. This government is headed by the Queen of the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II, who is acting head of state. The Queen is represented by a Governor General due to her having to reside in Great Britain. The Governor General is the true authority in power; however, he does not officially run the government that is led by the Prime Minister and his cabinet. Currently in the Senate there are 12 members, plus the President of the Senate. The Governor General appoints 6 senators on advice of the Prime
Overall, the Caribbean should adapt to the Presidential Democratic System. Although it may seem very expensive to fund such type of government, it may cost less in the long term. The check and balance that a presidential system offers allows for less corruption and Executives to be held accountable of their actions. Policies and laws would be more accurate and better evaluated having two separate Agencies in review of such nature. The Presidential system allows for more transparency which is one of the ultimate objectives of a democracy.
The main negative economic impact of urbanization in Belize is unemployment which ties into social conflict theory. According to Guardian Newspaper the Statistical Institute of Belize released its preliminary results for the April 2014 labor force survey on Wednesday, June 25, and it shows that the unemployment rate has decreased from 14.2 percent in September of 2013 to 11.1 percent in April of 2014 (Williams, 2014, P.18). With massive migration from rural areas, jobs in the urban area may not be created fast enough to meet the needs. Therefore, the first problem faced
The presidential government has distinctive characteristics compared to parliamentary system. According to Hargrove, “presidential government can be defined as by nature, single-person office, chosen for a fixed term by a uniquely national constituency, sharing virtually all the powers of the federal government with an equally distinct and independent congress” (Hargrove, 1984). The president, who is directly elected by public, is head of the government and also head of the state. It appears that the president has full support from public and also symbolizes the national representative and unifying figure. The “separation of power” and “check and balance” are main features in the presidential form of government. According to Abueva, “legislative power is vested in
Belize is a very unique and different country. There is a wide verity of year round activities that the people of Belize, as well as the tourists enjoy. Pop culture is celebrated in a wide variety of ways.
citizens to participate in the selection of a government. When conducted to international standards, elections tend to confer legitimacy on a government. In the Commonwealth Caribbean, the electoral experience varies and tends to reflect not only the socio-political culture of the member state but also its particular electoral system.
“ The structures of governance now in place represent the old order. In essence, the foundation of society, the people, has been transformed at much rapid rate than the institutional and structural features of the society. The new more informed Jamaican, is more demanding than ever to be involved in a meaningful way in shaping his or her destiny”. Prime Minister P.J. Patterson