
The Puppet Playground : Children With Disabilities

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The Puppet Playground 3 Historically, children born with disabilities were isolated, excluded and dependent on other people. Families would have feelings of shame and guilt giving birth to a child with a disability. Society viewed a child with a disability a personal tragedy and it was left to the families to cope. This all began to change after World War II when many soldiers came home with acquired disabilities. Several Acts of Congress were put in place to give rights to those with disabilities. Most notably, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 2008 which gave individuals with disabilities full rights to participate in society and full access equally to education, work and transportation, just to name a few …show more content…

et al). Developing programs in early education is necessary to develop acceptance and ultimately success for children with disabilities among their peer groups. The World Health Organization published a paper Early Childhood Development Disability which they state, “inclusive education is a process of strengthening the capacity of the education system to reach out to all learners – including those with disabilities. Inclusive pre-school and primary schooling offers children with disabilities a vital space to insure optimum development by providing opportunities for child-focused learning, play, participation, peer interaction and the development of friendships (WHO, 2012) Developing a program with the use of puppets appears to be a creative way to reach a young audience. “The effectiveness of using puppets in early childhood has been demonstrated in clinical areas as having the potential to create communication, increase involvement and change attitudes” (Remer & Tzuriel). The program would be used to reach out to the ages of three years old to Grade 4 level. It is equally important to start with what the goal or mission of the program would be. This mission would most likely encourage the inclusion of all children by facilitating group learning processes and placing a value on individual strengths for group success. The program would be divided out into

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