Essay #3 Instructions
ESOL 0360
Essay #3 Assignment Sheet
Walljasper and Ventura looked at the qualities that make work bad. They never talk about any one specific job, instead they look at the QUALITIES all jobs share – things like the work environment, benefits, your boss being able to reach you outside of work hours, etc.). Your assignment with this essay is to do the opposite of Walljasper and Ventura and analyze the qualities of the “ideal job.” Consider the type of work the job entails, the work environment, and benefits that make the job both enjoyable and rewarding. Ideal = existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality. IMPORTANT NOTE: Since, by its very definition,
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Where do you do? Who do you work with? What is the work environment like? Who are your co-workers? Your boss? Do you get along with the people you work with/for?
· Example Thesis: While there is no one, perfect job out there, governments could greatly improve workers’ morale by analyzing aspects of the type or work, work environment, and job benefits that are considered ideal and making changes to laws to ensure working conditions in their countries are as close to ideal as possible.
Body Paragraph #1 – Type of Work
(What makes a job fulfilling/worth doing? Is using your brain vs. physical strength inherently better in some way? Is the purpose of work to help yourself by making money or helping others?)
Body Paragraph #2 – Work Environment
(Indoors or outdoors? Do you need to have a significant voice in how the company you work for is run, or is it okay to be a drone as Ventura would put it? Is it important to get along with your co-workers? How about hours – does the ideal job have set hours and you leave work at work, or is it okay for your work schedule to intrude on your personal
Developing work attitudes is by reducing imprudence that was between the hourly workers and their mangers and increasing job satisfaction and organizational commitment. It is clear that workers at this motor company have the lowest job satisfaction in order of various negative influences that impact their life. First, mangers at this company did not treat their employees as a human, they treat them as machines, that should rich the demand by the end of the day, and called them by numbers not their name. Second, workers have intrinsic value, extrinsic value, and ethical values that ford would not respect. Third, Stressful work without any reward and the work environment that was not save, clean, or regulated at the plant. Finally, week bonds between mangers and workers that create week work energy and losing trust between employees as results the work has turned down frequently. In addition, at Ford Motor Company the physical and psychological
An ideal, for example, can be defined as something that has been envisioned intellectually and we are not unaware of it. Ideals are to be carried with the same brightness, uplift, and outlook that go with all rational facts. Secondly, there must be a novelty in an ideal, novelty at least for the individual whom the ideal takes hold of. Saturated habit is inconsistent with ideality, even though what is sodden practice for one individual may be an ideal novelty for someone else (William 9). This illustrates that there is nothing completely ideal: ideals are comparative to the lives that enthrall
In the book GiG Americans Talk About Their Jobs, include 100’s of interviews of different people with different jobs that provide personal achievements, and goals that give these individuals the strive to work. These reasonings of why we should work point out much more than money being the outcome. Each individual interviewee has a different reason for why they work, what makes them strive to work, what makes their job’s worth going to each day. From selected interviews “Wal-Mart Greeter”, “Clutter Consultant”, “Lobbyist”, and “Orthopedic Surgeon” each represented different reasons of work;the four that stood out most to me included: Self-worth, appreciation from clients, political belief goals, and mental fulfillment.
In her article, Miya Tokumitsu states that most people who follow the principle “do what you love” become self-centered. Being focused on ourselves and our happiness, as the author says, make us prouder than we ought to be. As a result, we create a division between those who love their jobs and those who do not. The writer defends those who do not love their jobs by claiming that not all jobs are enjoyable yet are socially necessary.
Organizations that are serious about making improvements are going to have to deal with the issue of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be best described as the positive feeling that an individual has about their job resulting from an evaluation of the job’s characteristics (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p.31). It would seem natural to think that job satisfaction would have a positive correlation with successful organizations. What impact does job satisfaction have on an organization? Research will show that there are not only internal effects from performance related issues, but also external effects that impact customer satisfaction.
High expectation: Exciting opportunities/Personal and career growth/Friendly and supportive work environment/Stability/A workplace focused on ethics and obeying the law/Great benefits
Each of these play an important role in my education, give me responsibility, and lifelong skills. Doing all of my school work and my dual credit college classes require quite a bit of studying. When I am not busy with school and homework, I work at Frank’s Food Mart just about every other weekend. This can be sometimes hard to do because of the problem of having a lot of homework. Work is a great place that I get to help customers out with carrying their groceries out. Also, I learn many skills and responsibilities. Some of the skills that I learn, are stocking shelves, counting money and communication skills. I like to work with many people. Working at Frank’s Food Mart has been great with all of the community people and my co-workers. Some of the responsibilities that not only come with school but also with work is to make sure that I get everything done that is asked of me and more. Also, making sure that I show up to school and
Workers may need validation or appreciation, a sense of belonging, feelings of accomplishment or achievement, or respect or power. Jobs that provide these determinants or values in the quantities that the individual needs are good jobs in that the worker is going to be happy. Jobs that provide most of these determinants may still be unhappy jobs because the job may be missing that one value that a specific individual needs most. The same job is seen differently by two different people because the values of the individual are the most important determinants of whether or not the job is a happy one.
Thesis Statement (Include your controlling idea/argument and three main points) They increase the money to increase it to $15 per hour, longer vacation and extended leave policy
Lastly, I must choose my employer. To be truly pleased with my dream job, I must locate that dream employer. I will research that employer’s history, find out where they have been, where are they going, and how are they getting there. I will also look at company turnover, and history of legal issues. It is also important to research the benefits offered, like vacation, insurance, tuition reimbursement, and retirement. Benefit packages vary from one organization to another. It is important not to leave anything on the table when negotiation. The employer’s culture is also important to me, what are we doing, how are we doing it. If I
The job characteristics model is one of the most influential attempts to design jobs with increased motivational properties. Proposed by Hackman and Oldham, the model describes five core job dimensions leading to three critical psychological states, resulting in work-related outcomes.
3. To what extent does his job satisfy his needs? What is the role of work in his total life?
Below are 4 things you should consider when selecting a job to ensure your work aligns with your lifestyle.
Topic - Job Specialisation uses standardised work procedures to have workers perform repetitive; precisely defined and simplified tasks. Explain why companies use this approach to job design. Using the Job Characteristics model, describe how specialised jobs can be modified to eliminate the boredom and low job satisfaction associated with them. (Chapter 9)
I feel I was one of the lucky one who got a job in very nice and organized company. I received a good salary, had a nice working environment and was given respect by other employees which were really amazing despite being the youngest employee. When I entered in this job, I knew nothing. I was completely inexperienced and unskilled worker but after working here, this job helped me to improve my working skills such as how to communicate with people around me, never try to be hypocrite, stay calm and focus only on my work. Having a job also taught me to value my own work, and what I put into something. As my mother said, this job also taught me how to handle my responsibilities by myself. I became responsible for some of my own expenses. This was a valuable experience for me. I learned the value of the money and taking my own decisions about what I spend my money on. On Short, I feel that if a person works just for the sake of money then there’s no point of working. Yes, money is important but no person can enjoy the work if that person is only working there for the sake of