Discussion Board Thread
Re: Autocratic Managers
“Organizational Management and Leadership” defines an autocratic manager as “One who makes decision and then informs the group about the decision.”
Satterlee, A. (2013). ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP: A Christian Perspective (2nd ed.). Raleigh: Synergistics International Inc.
Summary: Annebel H.B. De Hoogh, Lindred L. Greer, and Deanne N. Den Hartog are respected instrctors at the universities of Standford and Amsterdam. They instruct in their respective universities’ School of Business. Within this article these instructors explain the impacts of autocratic management on the psychological safety of the team. They did a study of 60 retail outlets to explain their different hypotheses. The first hypothesis explains that power struggles help control the effects of autocratic leadership. The explain that when power struggles are low than the psychological safety is positive in terms of autocratic management, but when the power struggles are high, the psychological safety is negative in terms of autocratic management. The second hypothesis states, “Psychological safety is positively related to team performance” (De Hoogh, Greer, & Den Hartog, 2015). The final hypothesis in their article explains that autocratic leadership is related to team performance because power struggles and autocratic management effect psychological safety, therefore it is related to performance. Through these three hypotheses,
Although Leading with Soul by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal was written in 1995, it is a classic best seller leadership book that is constantly praised for its innovative ways it encourages those to lead. It is such a classic that it has since been rewritten to reflect the current times and issues leaders face today, such as economic hardships. This book was definitely written ahead of its time in the ways that Bolman and Deal takes spiritual approaches to help those ranging from CEO’s to a regular employee find their path in life. Leading with Soul is an innovative way to inspire those to lead; it strikes down the conventional ways that leadership is discussed. Typically when one reads leadership books one finds chapters on principles, theories and skills however this focuses on leadership being an “uncommon journey of the spirit.”
Autocratic- In this management style, the manager becomes the sole decision maker. The manager does not care about the other staff and their involvement in decision making. Therefore, the decisions reflect the personality and the opinion of the manager. The decision does not reflect the team 's collective opinion.
“Organizational Management and Leadership” defines autocratic manager as one who makes a decision and then informs the group about the decision. Anita Satterlee (2013). Organizational Management and Leadership. Ch. 1, Pg. 4. Synergistics International Inc.
Based on my analysis, I explain that AMC leaders who happen to be Christian leaders should understand what is leadership before getting into overarching goals from a Christian perspective and how should they should be handled properly. AMC leaders should explore the Christian principles by laying a strategic plan that is easy to understand and use it effortlessly and efficiently. However, when a leader keeps his maintenance of Christian’s core values and beliefs, he should be comprehensive and concise on where he leads his followers in his organization. “In regard to maintaining core values and beliefs, a common theme was that focusing on what you believe to be the ‘right thing to do’ gives a sense of personal integrity, self-worth, and even accomplishment—no matter what the final outcome” (Shaw, 2012, pg.59). Therefore, from a Christian perspective, a leader should seek and serve God and those he shows the way strategically in his organization.
Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their own ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers. Autocratic leadership involves absolute, authoritarian control over a group. It can also be derived
A sentiment common to almost any organization is that the one fact that remains constant is change. As society changes, and human understanding grows, any organization that maintains a static posture, assures its demise. Churches and Christian organizations are no exception. The gospel may remain the same, but the method for communicating it must speak to the audience to assure understanding. The Christian leader must be prepared to meet this challenge by incorporating an effective model for change into his theology of leadership in order to keep the ministry relevant and effective. Searching for such a change agent can prove to be challenging as well. To aid in this search, four
The Christian worldview of leadership is distinctly different from most secular views on the subject. In the secular, leadership tends to be viewed primarily in terms of a company’s bottom line and how well the leader can urge employees to produce more and better work. That view is profit-centered rather than person-centered, and it does not give much attention to employees’ human needs and qualities nor on how developing excellent work relationships can promote productivity. In the Christian worldview, however, people are key, and their human needs are important. The leader in the Christian worldview understands how meeting employees’ needs promotes the kind of productivity desired and
Autocratic leadership, is a style which is characterized by the individual control over all the decisions and little input from group members. These type of leaders rarely accept advice from followers. These type of leaders tend to be bossy and controlling. Failing to consult with other team members in such situations hurts the overall success of the group.
The control of all operation by the Autocratic management style is the use of power over employee and staff and forces them to deal with the customer. This type of leadership makes the decision alone and converts it to the employee which the employee has to work, for example, to deliver the best customer service manger instruct all employee to follow his guidelines for this process. The Democratic leadership style is an important way to give the opportunity for the employee in making decision in the
Satterlee, A. (2013). Organizational management and leadership: A Christian perspective. (2nd ed.) Roanoke, VA: Synergeistics Publishing.
Countries disintegrate, place of worship and corporation fail, people become dysfunctional, descendants lose their direction, and mankind drift from God on behalf of one distracting reason; insufficiency of leadership. These disappointments are often for the reason that of the deficiency of instruction, appropriate leadership, and misperception on what Christian leadership subsists and exactly how that leadership is pertinent to every component of professional and personal life. From a Christian worldview perspective, Psalm 112:5 explains, “A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion” (NKJ). A Christian manager should always keep in mind that bounteousness and admiration for God, demonstrates that one has placed trust in Him, and not our material possessions.
Uses the core characteristics of autocratic leadership, but balances them with concern over the wellbeing and happiness of the subordinates.
Autocratic leadership is a classical leadership style with the following characteristics: manager seeks to make as many decisions as possible, manager seeks to have the most authority and control in decision making, manager seeks to retain responsibility rather than utilise complete delegation , consultation with other colleagues in minimal and decision making becomes a solitary process managers are less concerned with investing their own leadership development, and prefer to simply work on the task at hand. Whereas Democratic Leadership is the leadership style that promotes the sharing of responsibility, the exercise of delegation and continual consultation. The style has the following characteristics: manager seeks consultation on all
Organizations are defined as a social group of individuals who come together to achieve a common goal or particular purpose. The success of an organization starts with a solid foundation to build upon. The foundation starts with a vision, followed by a clear and concise mission statement and supported by a great employee base that executes the plans. When we magnify the layers of a successful organization, it usually reveals great leadership and the loyal employees who follow them. Understanding the importance of great leadership and the value of a high performing staff is critical to any organizations success. The relationship between the organization and the employees psyche can be very
The ways in which religious values can positively alter management are constantly observed in other cultures and societies. The studies of religious organisations have copious potential to provide pivotal information on ideal management practice as well as enhancing our understanding of the overall concept of management and its intangible assets. This concept has been discussed and a sociological viewpoint has been established where a religious organisation may provide a greater meaningful structure for employees to embellish and thrive; clearly promoting a motivated and hard working community. Max Weber, a German