
The Role Of Management

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The manager’s role in today’s technological culture is shifting from traditional linear control-based management to a more open system that honors the collective team, where for decades individual performance was held supreme. The “power of one” has become the “power of the many.” However, ultimately, one person is responsible for results in any entity formed for marketing products and making profits. Strangely enough, we find a management solution in Nobel Laureate Ilya Prigogene, the Russian-Belgian professor of physics and chemistry, who observed that “Small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order.” That higher order could be associated with the levels of Tribal Leadership …show more content…

Such names as Zappos tops some lists; they manufacture shoes. MindValley Academy, a global enterprise providing leading-edge learning and development programs online empowers a mostly Millennial-aged culture that thrives by giving its employees the “product” they produce—barrier blasting forms of learning and achieving while maintaining the books and marketing with similar tools as traditional companies. To return to the tribe concept personified by MindValley, the philosophy of the “tribe” as a more significant work group than a team, appeared on the scene in the mid-21st Century with the book Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization. Organizational tribes, consisting of groups between 20 and 150 people, as distinguished from tribes in developing countries, have been identified as a sociological phenomenon. “Birds flock, fish school, people ‘tribe’ (Logan).” Author-professors from a Southern California university, compiled research findings that declare that a work culture is characterized by a specific language which guides their engagement and their performance. The authors learned that “tribes are the basic building block of any large human effort, including earning a living…they determine how much work gets done (Logan).” Interestingly, the key word in this concept is “leadership.” The authors

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