
The Role Of Media And Its Impact On Emergency Management

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Media’s Role in Disasters
The following is a research paper on the role of the media in disasters. This paper will highlight the various types of media and their impact on emergency management today. It will compare and contrast the negative and positive roles the media plays in a disaster. It will then examine the positive and negative roles the media plays in disasters and how this is relevant to emergency management. The concluding section of the paper will highlight the various types of media and their impact on emergency management today.
Positive Roles the Media Plays in A Disaster Communication is a core component of disaster planning, response, and recovery (Houston, et al., 2015). An effective disaster communication process may …show more content…

During a disaster, the media helps in alerting and communicating evacuation procedures for individuals in the disaster zone. They also help in updating the public as the relief and evacuation process progresses. Information regarding available disaster relief facilities and the needs of the victims can be conveyed through the media (Ghassabi & Firoozeh, 2015). After the disaster, encouraging humanitarian aids from people, organizations and Non-governmental organizations can be performed by the media. They could also follow up the rebuilding process, supervise the budget spending in the disaster area and help to identify the weaknesses of the disaster management process in an effort to prevent or better handle future disasters (Ghassabi & Firoozeh, 2015).
In most cases, the news media provides an important disaster management public service, using platforms like broadcasting alerts, warnings, and advisories. The media can also provide information to decision makers in the event of an emergency (FEMA, 1999). Government agencies may also rely on the media to supply information and direction to the affected public, yet withholding counterproductive information, and to stimulate volunteerism and donations from the public (FEMA, 1999). Crowdsourcing social media applications, offer a powerful capability for the collection of information form disaster scenes and visualizing the data needed for relief decision making. Hence, in

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