
The Role of Greece's Geography on Its Ancient Peoples

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According to legend, Greece’s geography played a principal part on ancient peoples’ lives. Ancient Greece’s geography both benefitted people and hurt them as well. Throughout history mountains such as Mount Olympus, islands such as Crete and Peloponnese, rivers and seas such as the Mediterranean and Aegean that housed many Greek islands have played a very important role in Greek culture and development. Although the Mediterranean and Aegean seas supported Greece’s economy and means for subsistence, their mountainous regions were not very farmable and isolated the city-states. The many islands surrounding Greece added to the disunity and decentralization of Greece.
The mountainous terrain of Greece played a very important effect on ancient people. Greece’s land was not very suitable for farming settlements. In fact, only thirty percent of Greece could be farmed due to its mountainous lands ("Greek Geography"). Many wars have been caused because of the discommunication between the city-states ("Mount Olympus"). After the Greek victory in the Persian War, where many of the Greek city-states united and formed the Delian League, Athenian power rose and Spartans became threatened. Which later caused the Peloponnesian War; a major component on why the Greek civilization fell. Mountains also served as religious sites. The most glorified of them was Mount Olympus ("Ancient Greece-Mount Olympus, Greece-Archaeological Sites of Mount Olympus"). Ancient Greeks believed that many gods

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