
The Star B-Centauri

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I can tell many things about the star B-Centauri by looking at this H-R diagram. First of all I can see that it has a temperature of almost 30,000 K, that means it is almost five times hotter than our sun. Next, B-Centauri's luminosity is 10, 000 Lu which means it produces ten thousand times the energy of our sun. I know that B-Centauri is a spectral type O by reading the H-R diagram. During the Vlab we found that Naos was a spectral type O. All stars that are spectral type O are blue, meaning they are the hottest type of stars. Stars of the same spectral type have the same composition. Since Naos has hydrogen, helium, and helium ions so does B-Centauri. The mass of B-Centauri is twenty times the mass of our sun. The radius of B-Centauri

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