
The System Adoption Is Successful Or Failed

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1 Introduction
PT. Pertamina (later named as Pertamina) is a state owned energy company in Indonesia where one of its main business activity is distribute fuel/gas to its retailers agents (later named as customers). These customers operate fuel/gas stations to provide fuel to end customers across the country. Pertamina has more than 5000 customers which in daily average do at least 13.000 order transactions which valued close to USD 60 Million per day (Pertamina, 2013; Cholidy, 2014).
This paper’s objective is to analyse an information system (IS) implementation case whether the system adoption is successful or failed. Author select IS implementation case in Pertamina where the author works from 2007 until the time of this writing. During …show more content…

2 Host to Host Sales Order System
IS (includes its information technology components) plays major role in today’s business world. IS helps enterprises improve business processes, drives revenue growth, helps them achieve cost efficiency and more importantly, maintaining a competitive edge in the market place
Through period of time Pertamina implements numbers of IS to address various corporate’s business activities. Instead of gaining cost efficiency, these numbers of IS actually require company to put more budget in order to operate and maintain the systems. At this point ERP system comes as solution to this problem.
Such as ERP’s objective which is to integrate business processes across enterprise by using a single IS (Wagner and Monk, 2008; Laudon and Laudon, 2012), Pertamina also manage to integrate all its business IS into one main system using ERP. Since 2003 ERP systems is used as Pertamina’s core platform where other business applications developed on top of it.
Regardless of the implementation of ERP system has been covered all business activities in the company, Pertamina’s sales order activity is still being served through limited point of sales. Pertamina’s point of sales spread throughout 7 regional offices across the country (Pertamina, 2013). This make sales activities less efficient, moreover it cannot meet customers’ expectations.
To address this challenge, by using new information technology availability, Pertamina develop new IS

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