
The Theory Of Evolution Of A Population Over A Number Of Continuous And Successive Generations

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Evolution is the change in genetic composition of a population over a number of continuous and successive generations, which may have resulted from natural selection, inbreeding, hybridization, or mutation. (Biology Online, 2008). This change occurs when there is genetic variation, a variation of genomes between members of species, or groups of species thriving in different areas as a result of genetic mutation. (Biology Online, 2009).
The two major mechanisms considered to be the driving force of evolution can be depicted in Figure 1 and 2. The first is natural selection, which is the theory of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin. This is the principle by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved and passed on to the …show more content…

They mainly inhabited the ground, however ascended trees in search of fruit as a source of food. Platforms built in these trees from sticks and leaves were used to confine females which were also used as sleeping places. Favourable conditions and abundant food resulted in disuse of the agility and strength of humans. However, the time and force expended on these qualities were not lost, and instead, passed onto the brain. Consequently, they gained acute intelligence which allowed them to observe and imitate in exchange for their agility and strength. (Origin and early History of Man, n.d).
The first record of human interference with the evolution and biodiversity of other species was around 1.9 million years ago when humans first discovered sharp rocks (Ross, 2014). This discovery could be seen as having both a positive and negative impact on the evolution of species around the world.
For humans, this discovery lead to the creation of tools and weapons and the discovery of fire. It provided them with the necessary equipment to attack and hunt down creatures which posed a threat to their existence. However, by continuously killing off certain species from a time frame of about 4.8 megaannum (Ma) to 4500 years ago (ya), the actions of humans brought about the extinction of animals such as mastodons, mammoths, American cheetah and giant kangaroos. (Dunn, 2012). Smaller creatures which were

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