
The United States Of America

Decent Essays

The United States of America was built on the equality of human beings as an entire race. Throughout every decade the liabilities and rights of our government are shifted into a new way of thinking in legislature. The political cartoon chosen impacts our society today in one of the largest political debates of our generation in the eyes of those who have personally had to deal with the cause. Without artists creating political cartoons to advertise around the world, we would have no way to express the undeniable importance of the movement to allow same-sex marriage in The United States. This specific political cartoon not only shows how little Americans today feel as if they can trust their own government, explains the privacy that this matter should be dealt with, and last but not least presents the argument of how our government is not following through with their promise to our country for political reform. When America was founded, our nation was supposed to be a safe-haven from Britain’s tyranny overseas. The country was created to be a solid place of freedom and having an open mind. Of course, as time has passed, each generation has decided in itself what is acceptable to our society and what is not. When it comes to people disagreeing on topics in the United States of America, the government enjoys stepping in and deciding what should and should not be allowed in ‘their’ country. America was not made so that a few individuals have to right to decide how every other

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