
The Use Of Pathos In The 2016 Super Bowl Commercial, Avocados From Mexico

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In the 2016 Super Bowl commercial, “Avocados From Mexico” there is a strong use of pathos throughout the video. Pathos is the appeal to emotion. It uses logos as well. Logos is the appeal to logic. It also uses association. Association is a reference to someone such as a celebrity to enact an emotional response in the watcher. It uses pathos through humor. At one point in the video, it references the Rubik’s Cube by saying that it was considered unsolvable by humans and then going on to say that humans are simple-minded. It referenced an airplane by saying that it “is a 21st-century torture device” where people would be kept in for sometimes hours at a time. The tour guide goes on to say “and here we have their alphabet, called emoji” in which

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