
The Walt Disney Company’s Corporate Culture Essay

Decent Essays

The Walt Disney Company’s Corporate Culture Kyle Thomas Corporate Analysis – Section 239579 Corrie Kelly Due: 4/18/12 The Walt Disney Company has been an industry leader in the majority of its business segments for many years now; a success which is due largely to its unique history, heritage and corporate culture. Consumers and businesses alike around the world refer to the “Disney Standard” of doing things, demonstrating the high level of regard in which they hold us and the overall effectiveness of TWDC’s business plan. Through the hundreds of positions within TWDC, the main commonality is that each cast member has been entrusted with the preservation of Walt’s legacy. That guiding principle is …show more content…

Though some corporate “belt-tightening” is obvious through the segments in response to the economic recession, the company still focuses on maintaining a positive and supportive environment for its cast. As with any company, the interests of an employee can determine which aspects of the organization appeal to them most strongly. In other words, an employee’s experience is what they make it. This is especially true with TWDC in that there are so many areas for cast members to take the initiative to better themselves, as well as their community and environment. While some employees prefer to focus on their work, others can choose to take advantage of additional training and other extracurricular activities. Compared to the other employers that I’ve worked for, TWDC definitely stands out. While it’s true that TWDC has far more to work with in the way of resources, the effort is still being made to appeal to each cast member, while the other companies for whom I’ve worked have focused exclusively on the bottom line. Because I’m a continuing-education student with experience in a professional career, participating in the College Program hasn’t been as much of an eye-opener for me as it has for some of the younger students. That being said, I’ve

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