
The World War I Was A Parliamentary Democracy

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Today, the Netherlands may be a parliamentary democracy, but it took substantial effort to get there. Throughout a portion of World War 2 the Netherlands were under Nazi occupation and were under strict rule. No matter how badly the Netherlands wished to maintain neutrality, Hitler took complete control. However, the Dutch nation was not going to give in so easily. We will take a look at how Hitler invaded and utilized totalitarianism and the ways the citizens displayed resistance to Nazi rule. According to Magstadt, the Revolutionary Stage of totalitarianism typically emerges, in turbulent times, when a charismatic leader steps onto the scene. As this charismatic leader, Hitler took advantage of the hopelessness of the people and made …show more content…

Little did they know that many drastic changes would come about? Immediately following the Nazi invasion, all American and British films were banned from theatres and replaced with German movies and newsreels. Also, the radio broadcasts under Nazi control consisted of propaganda which Magstadt defines as the use of mass media to create whatever impression is desired among the general population and to influence thoughts and activities toward desired ends. Essentially, Hitler was trying to get the Dutch people to agree with his point of view and therefore made it illegal to listen to British radio. A harsh change came about. Anyone who was caught speaking against or published against the Nazis was put in prison or was deported to Mauthausen from where very few returned. Although Hitler forced these changes, we will discuss how the Dutch people resisted the Nazis. Magastadt defines participation of citizens today as those who express opinions and those who vote. Although that is the definition today, it was different for those in the Netherlands with their situation. The Dutch resisted becoming assimilated into Nazi ideals. They considered themselves Dutch and looked forward to the day for Dutch independence. Small acts of rebellion occurred that displayed this desire. On Prince Bernard 's birthday, many people wore orange carnations

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