
The World War I Was A Second Attack Front Against Nazi Germany

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Throughout World War 1, FDR’s leadership decisions shaped the post-war Cold War in Korea, Poland and Vietnam. During the main three conferences of Tehran, Potsdam, and Yalta, the “Big Three” agreed on terms and agreements for these regions, which would later continue to affect these areas for multiple decades to come. The three main conferences/policies during the second world war were Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam. The first of the three was The Tehran Conference codenamed Eureka, which was held in 1943 from November 28th to December 1st. During the Tehran Conference, the Big Three organized their military strategy against Japan and Germany, along with making a number of important decisions concerning the post World War 2 era (The Tehran …show more content…

One of the more controversial points addressed at Potsdam dealt with the revision of the German-Soviet-Polish borders and the movement of millions of Germans from the disputed territories (The Potsdam Conference, 1945). During these three conferences, there were many different outcomes that were caused by the agreements of the Big Three leaders, but there were certain outcomes that easily stand out. The first of the main outcomes would consist of the free elections and free governments that were supposed to be established, although this often is not what would actually happen. The biggest case of this was agreed upon in 1945 at the Yalta Conference where Churchill pushed for free elections and free governments in Central and Eastern Europe, specifically Poland, while Stalin demanded a Soviet sphere of influence in these Eastern and Central European regions (The Yalta Conference, 1945). Poland was the first item on Stalin’s political agenda, where Stalin believed that poland was a question of honor because poland had served as a historical blockade for forces attempting to invade Russia. Stalin demanded that he would keep the territory of Eastern Poland that they had already annexed in 1939. Meanwhile, Poland would be compensated for this by extending their borders western at the expense of Germany. Agreeing with his prior statement, Stalin promised free elections in Poland despite the Soviet government recently installed by

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