
The Ymca Ywca

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The lifeguards of the YMCA-YWCA are a unique group of young energetic people. We will look closer into this group through the eyes of a sociologist. We will study the goals, hierarchal, argot and other factors social factors within this profession. The YMCA-YWCA lifeguard group is a sub culture. This smaller culture stems from the large society of lifeguards across Canada. The YMCA-YWCA is made up of 21 highly trained lifeguards. The goals and regulations of these group are very similar. The main difference of these groups are within the regulations. Each province in Canada has different protocols in their first aid sector and training techniques. The primary goal of this group is to prevent, protect and inform other of drownings. The YMCA-YWCA also works towards helping teach others to swim to allow people it safely enjoy the benefits of swimming. In order to reach these goal the guards go through extensive training. There are three main steps to this process. The first is course training; they must participate and complete ten courses. These range from 30 hours all the way to two weeks long. That is where they get the knowledge involved in this lifesaving practice. Secondly they go through simulation and physical standard testing’s. The simulation the YMCA-YWCA workers go through help them practice their skills under the major pressure of time. Physical standards test cardio, lifting capacity, speed and more. If any of these step are failed of missing the person is UN

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