
The topic I have chosen to address as a symbol is makeup. Makeup seems pretty basic to most, but to

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The topic I have chosen to address as a symbol is makeup. Makeup seems pretty basic to most, but to some it means much more than that. Some describe the application of makeup as “putting on your face” and if they aren’t wearing makeup they feel ugly and rejected by men. But that’s the thing; some women aren’t viewed as pretty unless they have makeup on. This objectives women and tells them they don’t look good enough if they aren’t wearing any-and it basically seems as if they are “painting on their face” like objects.
Makeup can come in many different shapes and sizes, liquids and powders, and even colors! From bright red to completely black, every women has a different preference to the type of the makeup they prefer. Makeup can also be …show more content…

Shortly after this, the trend of just being viewed as an angelic figure died shortly. Makeup was used more readily in the lives of most women. Women became aware of the idea that “men adored women that appeared in full makeup” Women desired the attention of males and shortly after began wearing makeup everyday (Wikipedia). Cosmetics and other beauty appliances were then passed down throughout the family and many daughters began wearing it! Makeup became a social norm for most, just so they could catch the eye of a male.
Makeup can also be clearly identified with the theoretical concept of social constructionism. According to Women’s Lives, multicultural perspective, social constructionism can be defined as the “normalcy” of heterosexuality is systematically transmitted, and appropriate attitudes and behaviors are learned through childhood socialization, life experiences, and reinforced through institutional norms, policies, and law. Although the use of makeup is not currently brought up through law, women first started wearing makeup because it started to become a social norm. Now young women today have learned to use makeup through their mothers and maybe even their sisters. Its crazy how fast the transition of never wearing makeup, to being seen as an angel, to finally caking it on your face because we believe it will attract the opposite sex. You see women today and you are unsure if they are plastic or

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