
Theories of Motivating Adults and Relationship with Supervising Teachers

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Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors (Cherry, 2014). In layman terms, it’s what makes humans want what they want. Motivation is what makes people get up in the morning; what drives them to succeed. Motivation involves biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces that activate behavior (Cherry, 2014). Motivation is composed of three components: activation, persistence, and intensity (Cherry, 2014).What motivates adults? Money, pride, incentive, and praise can be seen as motivators for adults in the everyday world. Abraham Maslow designed a five stage model on the Hierarchy of Needs to highlight motivation (McLeod, 2007). The five stages are (1) Biological and …show more content…

Knowles came up with a fifth assumption that adult learning is primarily intrinsically motivated (Glickman, Gordon, & Ross-Gordon, 2010).
Self-Directed Learning is where adults engage in systematically as part of everyday life and without benefit of an instructor (Glickman, Gordon, & Ross-Gordon, 2010). The implications of the concept of self-directed learning are numerous for those who seek to foster teachers’ growth and development through developmental supervision (Glickman, Gordon, & Ross-Gordon, 2010). Supervision should foster rather than inhibit self-directed learning by matching supervisory behaviors with teachers’ readiness for self-direction (Glickman, Gordon, & Ross-Gordon, 2010). Variables like background knowledge and degree of confidence affect the level of support adults may need in their learning efforts and it is recommended that instructors match their teaching style to the estimated stage of self-direction of adult learners, so too the effective supervisor will adapt his or her supervisory

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