
Theory of Personality Essay

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Theory of Personality Paper
Humanistic psychology has led to the development of several different psychotherapies. All are based on the idea that people possess the resources for growth and healing and that the goal of therapy is to help remove the barriers that block this growth and achievement. Although, several theorists have contributed to Humanistic Psychology, one of the most renowned is, Abraham Maslow. Humanistic psychology is defined as:
"Explicitly concerned with the human dimension of psychology and the human context for the development of psychological theory."

Abraham Maslow was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1908, and attended City College in New York for three semesters, where he studied law. Maslow …show more content…

The Physiological Needs
2. The Safety and Security Needs
3. The Love and Belonging Needs
4. The Esteem Needs
5. Self-Actualization
Maslow identified the basic needs, as deficit needs. The first is the physiological needs that are basic to sustaining life.
Next, Maslow addresses the need for safety and security. Once the life sustaining needs are met, we are then concerned with securing shelter and being protected. Our tendency to seek out the best schools, the better neighborhood, job security, and retirement plans, are among our needs at this level.
When physiological and safety needs are taken care of , the next level, the love and belonging needs, will need to be satisfied. This need addresses our need to physically and emotionally touched. It is in this stage where the desire to form friendships and get married begins to develop. The individual sense of social anxiety begins to influence the desire for close human contact.
The esteem needs follow the love and belonging needs, according to Maslow, the esteem needs are ranked as higher and lower. The lower version addresses the need for the respect of others, the need for status, fame, recognition, and appreciation. The higher form considers self-respect; however, it includes confidence, competence, independence, and freedom. The higher form is considered so because it highlights self- respect, which is a higher achievement.
The preceding four levels are called Deficit needs, because if

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