
Therapeutic Approach To Christian Psychology

Decent Essays

Team C: Difference in Therapeutic Approaches
Christianity and psychology are like oil and water; many believe the do not mix. Many Christians view Christianity and the practice of psychology with a negative perspective. Gary Collins, psychologist, educator, and author, practices with a Christian worldview. “As a Christian, psychology professor Gary Collins notes, There can be no denial that much of psychology is more than indifferent to religion; it is opposed to religion.” (Passantino & Passantino, 2009, p. 15).
Compatibility between psychology and religion has been an issue argued for many years. However, men like Dr. William Backus developed a counseling system that utilizes the secular aspects of this treatment. By redefining the aspects, …show more content…

& Passantino G. (2009), “While many Christians may contest the degree of success such Christian psychologists have had at bringing secular therapies into a Christian worldview, it is at least logically possible to affirm that “a Christian psychologist can within limits practice any one of many counseling techniques and approaches; and may choose … to use several methods, depending o his skills and the particular problems of his clients” (p. 16).
In defense of the field of psychology, Gary Collins noted the reflections of many Christian psychologists. They understand “there is much that is wrong about psychology—but there is also much that is sensitive, helpful, valid, and good. The best psychologists carefully sift the conclusions and evidence, reject that which is invalid and make use of the rest.” (Passantino & Passantino, 2009, p. 16).
In a review of the many therapeutic approaches practiced today, Arthur Hunter gives his personal evaluation of them and notes which ones he believes presents to the Christian therapeutic approaches that are pro-Christian. According to Arthur Hunter (n.d.), “Gestalt psychology to me is one of the strongest pro-Christian theories in secular psychology. It acknowledges numerous ineffable qualities of human existence.” (Hunter, n.d., p.

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