There are five major types of learning theories. These five theories are; social learning theory, cognitive development theory, progressive education and other philosophies, social development theory, and attribution theory. Each one a different idea on learning and a different way it can be used in the classroom.
The first of these theories is social learning. This meaning a student learns the context threw social interaction. Through group activities the lessons are taught. Also learning through other forms of public activities. All the while the student is receiving feedback and suggestions not only from the teacher but from his or hers peers as well.
When talking about social learning there are quite a few different things
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When each student had completed each assignment binds them together in a book and share them with the class. Have each student pick a location they thought was interesting and right a review. This would teach each student about many different locations while showing them the actually research a person would do if they wanted to take a vacation to a foreign place. Lee Vygostky believed that social interaction always precedes development. Unlike Jean Piaget, Vygostky thought that each person went through each stage two times. That everyone went first through the stages socially, later by themselves on their own level. He also believed that students should play an active role in the learning experience. This actually promotes learning between both the teacher and the student. It gives the student a chance to share his or hers knowledge with others instead of always be taught. This helps with the students themselves teaching each other to an extent. By exchanging and sharing their knowledge. In the class room we can set up many activities to express this learning style. With the social interaction we start to think of many group activities but the catch in this is to have an individual learning process involved as well. Such as in a science fair, having groups of two or three completing one project together. Collecting results and showing the information gathered. Then to challenge the results have each student t complete the experiment on their own.
together as a class will also reinforce what they have learned and will give the teacher an
It is important to make aware there are many different theories regarding the understanding of how individuals learn and develop. As we start to identify we begin to comprehend and realise that everyone does not learn the same way as the next person. The learning theories that are to be taken into account are as follows: Behaviourism, Cognitivists, Humanists, Social Learning, Adult Learning and Motivation.
Plan the activities, commencing with a starter for the whole class to familiarise with the topic and finding what they already know about it. Then following with an introduction of the subject and and activity for the whole class, then asking questions and develop the topic, maybe in small groups, for a longer period of
There are many theories into how children develop and how they learn. These are extremely important as they can be applied to modern strategies used for child behaviours. Presently, learning theories are placed into 3 categories:
Reading: Each week as part of my reading lesson, I break the class into heterogeneous groups. I have the groups take turns re-reading the story. They then work in the group to answer comprehension questions together.
During class, the instructional model I believe matches closely with the instructions we received was the cooperative learning strategy. According to our class readings the instructions given to us possessed the following characteristics; working in small groups, group reports, social skills, as well as individual and group accountability. Students were paired up based on matching numbers; they then went over that specified instructional model. That is where individual accountability and social skills takes part. Groups had to work together to come up with what they thought were the five most important points. Most groups divide the work up. After groups decided what were the most important they then shared with the class.
Lev Vygotsky concept is showing or helping children with a task. They are taught everything through social interaction no matter what it is. They are taught by example, by getting help with the task and are expected to be able to complete it by themselves. With this concept of learning every child is able to learn and evolve into completing activities independently and progressively from what they have learned. It is important that the environment for the child be set with ideas and task that will allow them too mentally, educationally and physically develop with or without adult and peer assistant.
Within this perspective, there are three theories that describe different ways in which learning occurs; classical conditioning theory, operant conditioning theory, and cognitive social learning theory (Hutchinson, 2015).
Learning is defined as a behavior as a consequence of exposure to stimuli. There are four different learning theories namely classical conditioning , behaviorist, informative or cognitive processing and constructivist theory.
One way to do this would be to advocate collaboration. Collaboration ties into divergent thinking, and it encourages students to come together to teach each other. Collaboration teaches students to learn cooperation, improves social and interpersonal skills, and helps create a better understanding of the materials being learned, through discussion and team effort. We are by nature, social beings, and I believe being social is also the best way to learn. The most fulfilling way to learn and prepare for the real world, would be through teamwork, listening to others ideas, coming up with ideas together, and in the process, creating our own ideas, maximizing the learning and educational experience for students and educators, alike. Collaborative learning (divergent thinking) in schools may be achieved by mixing up learning styles, decreasing emphasis on standardized testing as a measure of what a student knows, encouraging students to work together to come up with a solution, creating group projects, student “collaborative” sessions, “brainstorming” in class, and engaging students with fun and interactive activities.
Regarding social learning, this theory explains the individual learning process, the formation of one’s identity and, how individuals learn by observing others in a social setting. Known as the bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories, it “incorporates some aspects of behaviorist and cognitive frameworks” (Taylor, et al., 2000. para. 7). As stated by Psychologist Albert Bandura (1986, 1988), “Most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action. Effective modeling teaches general rules and strategies for dealing with different situations.” (Bandura). Concerning social learning, in regards to the role of an instructor, he or she has to be an appropriate model, “equip their students to self-regulate, self-monitor, self-correct, and properly self-monitor” (Ellis, n.d.). An instructor needs to be a positive influence, a mentor, and understand how his or her behaviors affect others. They must inspire and teach by example, encourage teamwork, and support the growth and
The learning theories discussed in this lesson such as behaviourism, social learning theory, constructivism, cognitive learning theory, and the social constructivism/ sociocultural theory are all useful and important to implement in the classroom as an educator. I really like the social learning theory and this is one theory that I will always implement in my classroom. This theory explains how observing other’s behavior and perceiving the consequences, through observational learning and modeling can influence learning and behavior (Vousden, Wood, & Holliman, 2014). Learning can take place by watching other people in the environment. The best way to implement this strategy in my classroom is to model positive and appropriate behavior on how students should be in the classroom. Students will see learn the concept of good behavior by watching the me as the teacher and other students around the classroom.
However, some problems were appeared in this research with the new theoretical hypothesis provided. There were four aspects. To start with, it was inappropriate to choose the factors on the basic of social learning theory. Social learning theory discussed the interaction between the individual cognition, individual behaviour and environment factors, and influencing human behaviour from the interaction between these three factors (Ormrod 1999). This theory focused on the learning that occurs within a social context mainly. A social context was made of a vast number of factors. However, in this research, researchers only chose two factors as social factors to assess this programme, such as culture and technical teaching (Wang, Taplin and Brown 2011). Researchers could link between the research and theories carefully.
Lesson will begin with collaborative learning with reading a book and class discussion throughout. Then I chose active learning with a fun activity. I chose these methods to facility student learning. Direct instruction will allow all students the chance to learn skills, while collaborative learning allows students to discuss issues with peer interaction. Active learning allows my students to learn with a hands-on activity.
Another theory of learning is made by Honey and Mumford. Their theory was created together in 1982 and reviewed how various employees learn and after much consideration, ended their theory with 4 main stages [See image above]. These are: