
Thomsett Risk Tool Set

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Risk in Projects The Total Tool Set

Rob Thomsett 2004



Risk In Projects – The Total Tool Set
Eyes Wide Shut (without Nicole and Tom to help)
Many project mangers, when first introduced to risk management, feel that there is something “macho” about undertaking high risk projects “without a net” and that formal risk management is a sign of weakness. Secretly, I guess that we all identify somewhat with Indiana Jones as he plunges from disaster to disaster just surviving by good luck and sheer guts. The good news is that if you …show more content…

If you lived in an apartment next to the building in which you work, the risk involved in getting to work on time is many times lower than that facing a person with a 20 mile commute involving driving to the station, getting kids to school, taking a pre-work study course and public transport. The second process in risk management is the process of Risk Reduction, Minimization or Containment. This process involves planning and action to reduce the risks and, if that is not possible, to introduce strategies to minimize the impact of failure. To manage the risks in our commute, we could reduce risk by moving closer to work, obtaining flexible working hours or undertaking community and political action to improve public transport. Contingency planning such as having alternative routes or transport would be part of this process. The third and fourth processes of Risk Management are the Risk Monitoring and Risk Reporting of the status of risks [particularly High risk factors], the identification of new risk factors that have emerged during the project and reports on the effectiveness of containment strategies. In our commute example, risk monitoring would involve watching the clock and for traffic snarls. Risk reporting could be calling work to say you’ll be late and to inform your work colleagues of potential delays for other colleagues. Risk management also involves the evaluation and management of the impact of failure of the

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