
Throughout My Undergraduate Journey At Morgan State University,

Decent Essays

Throughout my undergraduate journey at Morgan State University, I constantly heard of the most infamous rumor that has been passed down for decades: Morgan State was ranked with the highest rate HIV/AIDS and 80% of the students attending the university were HIV positive. As a health education major, this did not sit with me well, and I started to conduct some research to prove whether this infamous rumor had any actuality. I wanted to utilize what I learned as a health education and promotion major. Using my knowledge from my Assessment, Implementation, & Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs course, I implemented a program called the Student Wellness Ambassador Team also known as S.W.A.T. SW.A.T is dedicated to HIV/AIDS and STI …show more content…

By becoming a student leader, I was able to embody the spirit of teamwork and partnership based on effective communication skills and respect for the contribution of others. My efforts with the Student Wellness Ambassador Team, along with my knowledge of some areas of public health led me to accept an internship with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), in Washington, D.C. this past summer. The internship provided me with a greater understanding of a federal public health agency’s operation and allowed me to contribute in a variety of ways to the Health Education and Wellness Center in which I worked in conjunction with S.W.A.T. Most importantly, I evaluated and analyzed regulations, policy interpretations and guidance for 70 Tribal TANF programs and 79 Native Employment Works (NEW) Programs, in addition to analyzing audits and developing corrective action plans among the 70 approved Tribal TANF programs.
Along with my duties at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I attended the 2016 Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS).The conference focused on programs, policies and services that support low-income and vulnerable families on the path to economic

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