
To Kill A Mockingbird: Comparing The Book And Movie

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I think that the movie was a pretty accurate presentation of the book but there were some differences between them so I would like to see an updated version of the movie and maybe the book also. There were some things that happened in the book that didn't happen in the movie, like in the book Jem was forced to read to Mrs. Dubose everyday, and in the movie he wasn't. In the book Jem waited until the next day to retreive his pants. Calpurnia tells Atticus about his children's presence at the courthouse. Tom is killed by prison guards while he was trying to escape. Dill is Miss. Rachel's nephew. There were also some things that happened in the movie that didn't happen, or were different in the book. Miss Crawford was Dill's aunt in the movie. The tree's hole was filled with cement. Jem gets his pants back immediately, he is scared off by Mr. Radley while he was getting his pants back. Miss Maudie's house didn't burn down. Some of the characters weren't in the movie, but they were in the book. Dolphus, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Grace, and Zeebo weren't in the movie but they were in the book. A lot of the characters were in both the movie and the book, like, Boo, Jem, Dill, Miss. Rachel, Miss Maudie, Mr. and Mrs. Radley, Atticus, Aunt Alexandra, Calpurnia, Nathan Radley, Helen Robinson, Bob Ewell, and many others. …show more content…

The book was a good book and had a lot of detail but I think that maybe if it was a little more similar to the book that more people would watch it. I also think its a good thing that they aren't exactly alike because it makes people have to read the book or watch the movie. If they have an assignment to read the book and do a summary or the other way around the teacher would be able to tell easier if they read the book or watched the movie because of the

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