
Todays World

Decent Essays

Marvels of Today’s World.
In the past places and buildings were considered to be the 7 Wonders of the World, each one is so different but all had one thing in common – how unbelievable and amazing they were. In today’s world as well as geographical marvels there are grand engineering projects that have opened up new possibilities and changed millions of people’s lives for the better. Technology, medical treatments, The Channel Tunnel and Robotics are but a few of many that I would consider to be the marvels of today’s world. These wonders make our lives easier, more efficient and convenient. We can 't imagine our lives today without telephones, televisions, emails, cars, planes, computers, space rockets etc. London is a city that …show more content…

Hopefully they won’t completely overtake the role of mankind!
Another marvel of the world is medical technology in my opinion. We now have the technology to provide people that have missing limbs with fake ones so that they can continue on living their lives and enjoy it. This is just incredible. Many infectious diseases such as Chicken Pox, Malaria, Measles and Tuberculosis have been conquered through vaccines, antibiotics, and improved living conditions. Cancer has become a more common illness, but treatments have been developed that effectively combat some forms of the disease .We also have the technology to control abnormal heart rhythms with the use of a pacemaker. I think pacemakers are absolutely fantastic, such a clever idea. Pacemakers have prolonged people with heart conditions life span and made life easier for them to live. The way a little camera can be inserted into the body to look at problems/diseases, completely puts me in awe. Also heart and lung transplants are one of the marvels of today’s world. This again saves people’s lives. The way that a team of doctors and nurses are able to take out a patient’s heart or lung and put in a new one so that they can live is truly a marvel. Medical technology is just phenomenal and unbelievable. Through technology, millions of lives have been saved and improved dramatically. This is why I’d consider it to be one of the marvels of today’s world.
The original

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